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Software Practical

Pseudospectral Optimal Control


The aim of the project is to compare the Pseudospectral with the Direct Multiple Shooting method, as implemented in the software packages GPOPS-II and MUSCOD-II.

The project is to be completed by a report and an oral presentation in the Simulation and Optimization group seminar.


  • Installation of the software
  • Numerics for optimal control problems
  • Implementation of examples from one package within the other
  • Comparison of speed, accuracy, versatility, and easy problem setup

The practical can serve as a preparation project for a Bachelor, Master, or Diplom thesis in the Simulation and Optimization group.

Classification of the project

This project is suited for one or two students as an advanced software practical. Exceptional students can ask for completion as a beginners' practical.


  • Numerical analysis (equivalent to courses Numerik 0+1)
  • Bock's Numerik 2 beneficial but not required


Andreas Potschka
Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 368
Universität Heidelberg

e-mail: potschka@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Office: INF 368 (IWR), R 303


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Last Modified By: Andreas Potschka
Last Update:2021-07-13
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