Software Practical"Implementation of a new visualization frontend for MUSCOD-II using GTK+ and Cairo."Results
This software practical has been successfully completed by Timo Taglieber during summer term 2008. DescriptionThe optimal control software package MUSCOD-II currently features a frontend for visualization of ODE/DAE trajectories, controls, and parameters. This frontend is written in C and is designed around the graphics library PGPLOT. The PGPLOT graphics library is no longer well maintained and updated. Getting it to work smoothly on various machines and operating systems continues to impose some workload on both developers and users of MUSCOD-II. As a part of the workgroup's endeavour to move MUSCOD-II to an object-oriented design, this visualization frontent has been redesigned in C++. The actual implementation, however, still uses the PGPLOT library. AimThe aim of this software practical is to reimplement the functionality of the existing frontend using the GTK+ toolkit for graphical user interfaces (GUIs), together with the Cairo graphics library. Both libraries are freely available and well maintained. Documentation for developers is easily accessible. FocusTechnical. Software design and implementation.Size of the projectThis project is suited for two students as an advanced software practical. Requirements
Further reading
Dipl.-Math. Christian Kirches
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