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Software Practical

"Integrator Benchmark and Test"


The C++ integrator DAESOL-II is a solver for semi-implicit differential-algebraic equations of index one with the ability to generate sensitivities of the solutions with respect to initial values and parameter, which is essential in optimization of dynamical systems.

The aim of the project is to implement a number of examples from well known initial value problem sets and compare the behavior of DAESOL-II with existing codes. At the end of the project might stand the set up of an automated test environment for the integrator, where the correct behavior of the actual development version on an example set is regularly verified.


  • Basic knowledge of Linux, Make and CMake/CTest is advantageous.
  • A reasonable knowledge of C++ is mandatory.
  • Knowledge of numerical methods for ODEs (from e.g. a Numerik 1 lecture) is advantageous, but may also be obtained to a certain degree during the project.

Size of the project

This project is suited for two or three students as a beginner practical or for one student as an advanced practical.


Dipl-Math. Jan Albersmeyer, jan.albersmeyer@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de, Room 413,
IWR, Im Neuenheimer Feld 368, Universität Heidelberg.


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Last Update:2021-07-13
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