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Software Practical

"Muscod Tutorial"


MUSCOD-II is a multiple shooting code for optimal control problems. It is one of the most successful software packages of the Simulation and Optimization work group. Being a high end numerical tool and also a testbed for new mathematical and algorithmic ideas, it is by nature a complex code subject to fast changes. Thus, existing documentation is widely spread (including PhD and Diploma theses) and sometimes out of date.

Purpose of the project is to create a tutorial course to introduce newbies (including software practical students of forthcoming semesters) to the code. It should explain how to set up and solve a simple optimal control problem with Muscod and also shed some light on the interactions between the building blocks of Muscod as a starting point for new Muscod developers.

The project is supposed to be a periodic project which is updated every year. The goal is an online tutorial, created with Doxygen, plus a real life tutorial course for new software practical students and new diplomands in the following semester.


  • Interest in learning new software tools
  • Sound knowledge of mathematical background (Numerik 1+2)
  • Self-motivated working attitude
  • Good communication skills

Size of the project

This project is an advanced software practical for two students. Required starting literature will be handed out in the beginning, but the students are assumed to be able to perform a (in house) literature survey themselves. For the students may encounter parts of the software where documentation is out of date, discussion with scientist will be needed.


Andreas Potschka, potschka@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de, Room 411,
IWR, Im Neuenheimer Feld 368, Universität Heidelberg.


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Last Modified By: Andreas Potschka
Last Update:2021-07-13
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