MUSCOD-II is a robust and efficient optimization tool that allows quickly implementing and solving very general optimal control problems in ordinary differential (ODE) and differential-algebraic equations (DAE) of index one. MUSCOD-II can treat system models formulated either in the gPROMS modeling language (PSE Ltd.), in FORTRAN, or in C, and has been widely applied to industrial problems, in particular in the field of chemical engineering. The software’s capabilities comprise solving highly nonlinear problems with complex equality or inequality constraints on states and controls, as e.g., final state constraints, periodicity conditions, or path constraints. Furthermore, a unique multistage formulation allows optimizing integrated batch processes consisting of several coupled process stages, e.g., a batch reaction step followed by a batch separation step.

MUSCOD-II is available to our collaboration partners.

The commercial version MOBA MUSCOD is also available through our partner TLK Energy; have a look at their website