Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Hans Georg Bock

Address: | Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), Heidelberg University, INF 205, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany |
Phone: | 0049 6221 54 14 614 |
email: | SciCom@IWR.Uni-Heidelberg.De |
Consultation hours: | by appointment only |
Curriculum Vitae
Date and Place of Birth:
May 9, 1948, Bottrop/Germany, German Citizen
Since 2018 Professor Emeritus, resp., Senior Professor
Professional and Scientific Career
2005 - 2017 | Executive Director of IWR |
1993 - 2005 | Vice Executive Director of Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) |
Since 1991 | Full Professor (C4) at the IWR, University of Heidelberg |
1988 - 1991 | Full Professor (C3) for Applied Mathematics, University of Augsburg |
1987 - 1988 | Visiting Professor for Numerical Mathematics, University of Heidelberg |
1986 | Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, University of Bonn |
Initiation and Coordination of Large Collaborative Research Projects
Since 2017 | Co-Initiator and Vice Chairman ”Scientific Computing Sustainable Software Collaboratory (SCSC)”, Heidelberg, funded by Carl-Zeiss-Foundation |
2015 – 2023 | Coordinator, Co-Initiator and PI “Scientific Computing for the Improved Diagnosis and Therapy of Sepsis (SCIDATOS)”, Heidelberg-Mannheim, funded by Klaus-Tschira-Foundation |
2007 - 2011 | Initiator and Founding Director, Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences – HGS MathComp (GSC 220), Vice Director 2011 – 2018 |
2001- 2010 | Co-Chairman (with M. Niezgodka), International Research Training Program "Complex Processes: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization", Heidelberg- Warsaw (RTG 710), DFG funded |
Since 1999 | Head, Steinbeis Technology Transfer Center "Simulation and Optimization" |
1994 - 2000 | Co-Initiator (with M. Grötschel, W. Römisch) and PI, National Collaborative Research Program “Real-Time Optimization of Large Scale Systems", DFG funded |
1993 - 2001 | Chairman, Research Training Program "Modeling and Scientific Computing in Mathematics and the Sciences", Heidelberg (RTG 13), DFG funded |
1991 - 2004 | Co-Initiator and Project Leader, Collaborative Research Center "Reactive Flow, Diffusion and Transport" (SFB 359), Heidelberg, DFG funded |
Services for the Scientific Community
Since 2018 | Member, International Science Council, RUDN University, Moscow, Russia |
Since 2011 | Co-Founder and Chairman, national strategic “Committee for Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization (KoMSO)”, German node within the European Mathematics in Industry network EU-MATHS-IN, since 2021 Vice Chairman |
2008 - 2017 | Chairman, Program Panel “Mathematics for Innovations in Industry” of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) |
2006 - 2012 | Member of the Strategy Committee for the University of Heidelberg’s proposal “Institutional Strategy: Realizing the Potential of a Comprehensive University” that won Heidelberg the status of University of Excellence in the German Excellence Initiative |
2002 - 2010 | CDC-EMS “Committee for Developing Countries” of the European Mathematical Society |
1995 - 2006 | Co-Chairman, "Association for Mathematics in Industry and Research" Memberships in Scientific Advisory Boards. e.g., of University Projects (TU Dortmund: Research Network “Modeling and Simulation”, Warsaw University: MAMBA Center of Excellence "Multi-Scale Bio-Molecular Modeling, Bioinformatics and Applications", International Science Forum Heidelberg) or of Companies (TecMath GmbH, InnovationLab GmbH) |
Offers, Honors and Awards
2019 | Elected as Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Science |
2018 | Appointed Senior Professor of the University of Heidelberg |
2012 | Honorary Doctorate of the Russian Academy of Science |
2011 | ERC Advanced Investigator Grant “Optimizing Control – from a Vision to Industrial Reality”, with S. Engell (Dortmund) |
2011 | Honorary Fellow, European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ESCMSE) |
2009 | Elected as Member of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities |
2008 | Medal of Honor, Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz Foundation |
2004 | Microsoft Research Award |
2003 | Medal of Merit, Ministry for Education and Training, Vietnam |
2000 | Honorary Doctorate of the Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology |
1986 | GEFFRUB-Award and Heinrich Hörlein Memorial Award |
1984 | Felix Hausdorff Memorial Award< Offers for chairs at the Universities of Cologne (1998) and Stuttgart (1995), a Fiebiger- professorship, TU Munich (1988), none of which were taken up |
Research Fields
Computational Methods for Optimization and Optimal Control of Nonlinear Large-Scale Systems and Processes, especially
Simultaneous, or One-Shot Methods for ODE, DAE and PDE Constrained Optimization and Optimal Control Problems, Direct Multiple Shooting and Collocation
Initial Value, Boundary Value und Optimization Problems for Discontinuous and Switched Dynamical Systems
Optimization under Uncertainty, Real-Time Methods for Constrained Optimal Feedback Control Subject to ODE, DAE and PDE, especially Real-Time and Multi-Level Iterations for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Numerical Methods for State and Parameter Estimation including Real-Time and Multi-Level Iterations for Moving Horizon Estimation
Optimum Experimental Design for ODE, DAE and PDE
Indirect and Direct Solution Methods for Nonlinear Mixed-Integer Optimal Control Problems
Applications in Industry and Various Domains in Science, Humanities and Engineering such as
Flight Dynamics and Aerospace Engineering, Automotive Engineering
Robotics and Mechanical Engineering
Electrical and Power Engineering
Chemistry, Chemical and Process Engineering
Systems Biology, Biotechnology, Medical Applications, e.g., Orthopedics, Immunology
Computational Methods for the Cultural Heritage
Editorial Work
Co-editor of Springer book series: "Mathematics in Industry" (with F. de Hoog, A. Fried- man, A. Gupta, A. Nachbin, A. Ozawa, W.R. Pulleyblank, T. Rusten, F. Santosa, J.K. Seo, A.-K. Tornberg), "Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences" (with W. Jäger, H.Knüpfer,O.Venjakob),and "Advances in Numerical Mathematics" (with W. Hackbusch, M. Luskin, R. Rannacher). Co-editor of scientific journals: "Optimization and Engineering", "Vietnam Journal of Mathematics", and "Journal of Mathematics in Industry" (all Springer).
Promotion of the Next Generation of Scientists
Over 100 Diploma or Master graduate students, 55 completed PhDs as principal supervisor.
20 of the former doctoral students and postdocs now hold positions as professors at universities in Germany and abroad.
This PDF contains a list of publications: