Publications of the Simulation and Optimization Team
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- e.g., to search for entries between 2005 and 2006, type: 200[5-6]
- e.g., for all reftypes that are articles or books, type: article|book
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Author | Title | Year | Journal/Proceedings | Reftype | Preprint |
Albanesi, C., Bossi, M., Magni, L., Paderno, J., Pretolani, F., Kuehl, P. & Diehl, M. |
Start-up Optimization for Combined Cycle Power Plants [BibTeX] |
2006 |
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology |
article |
author = {C. Albanesi and M. Bossi and L. Magni and J. Paderno and F. Pretolani and P. Kuehl and M. Diehl},
title = {Start-up Optimization for Combined Cycle Power Plants},
journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Control Systems Technology},
year = {2006}
Albersmeyer, J. |
The LiftOpt User Manual [BibTeX] |
2010 |
techreport |
author = {J. Albersmeyer},
title = {The \texttt{LiftOpt} User Manual},
year = {2010}
Albersmeyer, J. |
Adjoint based algorithms and numerical methods for sensitivity generation and optimization of large scale dynamic systems [BibTeX] |
2010 |
School: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
link |
author = {J. Albersmeyer},
title = {Adjoint based algorithms and numerical methods for sensitivity generation and optimization of large scale dynamic systems},
school = {Ruprecht-Karls-Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2010},
url = {}
Albersmeyer, J. |
Effiziente Ableitungserzeugung in einem adaptiven BDF-Verfahren [BibTeX] |
2005 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Albersmeyer, J.},
title = {{E}ffiziente {A}bleitungserzeugung in einem adaptiven {BDF}-{V}erfahren},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2005}
Albersmeyer, J., Beigel, D., Kirches, C., Wirsching, L., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Fast Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with an Application in Automotive Engineering [BibTeX] |
2009 |
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences |
incollection |
author = {Albersmeyer, J. and Beigel, D. and Kirches, C. and Wirsching, L. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Fast Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with an Application in Automotive Engineering},
booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences},
publisher = {Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg},
year = {2009},
editor = {Magni, L. and Raimondo, D.M. and Allg\"ower, F.},
volume = {384},
pages = {471--480}
Albersmeyer, J. & Bock, H. |
Sensitivity Generation in an Adaptive BDF-Method [BibTeX] |
2008 |
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, March 6--10, 2006, Hanoi, Vietnam |
inproceedings |
author = {J. Albersmeyer and H.G. Bock},
title = {Sensitivity {G}eneration in an {A}daptive {BDF}-{M}ethod},
booktitle = {Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, March 6--10, 2006, Hanoi, Vietnam},
publisher = {{S}pringer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York},
year = {2008},
editor = {Hans Georg Bock and E. Kostina and X.H. Phu and R. Rannacher},
pages = {15--24}
Albersmeyer, J. & Bock, H. |
Efficient sensitivity generation for large scale dynamic systems [BibTeX] |
2009 |
techreport |
author = {J. Albersmeyer and H.G. Bock},
title = {Efficient sensitivity generation for large scale dynamic systems},
year = {2009}
Albersmeyer, J. & Diehl, M. |
The Lifted Newton Method and its Application in Optimization [BibTeX] |
2010 |
SIAM Journal on Optimization |
article |
author = {J. Albersmeyer and M. Diehl},
title = {The {L}ifted {N}ewton Method and its Application in Optimization},
journal = {{SIAM} {J}ournal on {O}ptimization},
publisher = {SIAM},
year = {2010},
volume = {20},
number = {3},
pages = {1655--1684}
Allgöwer, F., Findeisen, R., Nagy, Z., Diehl, M., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Efficient Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Large Scale Constrained Processes [BibTeX] |
2000 |
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics |
inproceedings |
author = {Allg\"ower, F. and Findeisen, R. and Nagy, Z. and Diehl, M. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Efficient Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Large Scale Constrained Processes},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Me\-thods and Models in Automation and Robotics},
publisher = {Miedzyzdroje, Poland},
year = {2000},
pages = {43--54}
Altmann-Dieses, Schlöder, J., Bock, H. & Richter, O. |
Optimal Experimental Design for Parameter Estimation in Column Outflow Experiments [BibTeX] |
2002 |
Water Resources Research |
article |
author = {Altmann-Dieses and J.P. Schl\"oder and H.G. Bock and O. Richter},
title = {Optimal Experimental Design for Parameter Estimation in Column Outflow Experiments},
journal = {Water Resources Research},
year = {2002},
volume = {38},
pages = {1186ff}
Alvarado, I., Findeisen, R., Kühl, P., Allgöwer, F. & Limon, D. |
State Estimation for Repetitive Processes Using Iteratively Improving Moving Horizon Observers [BibTeX] |
2005 |
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, and the European Control Conference |
inproceedings |
author = {I.A. Alvarado and R. Findeisen and P. K\"uhl and F. Allg\"ower and D. Limon},
title = {State Estimation for Repetitive Processes Using Iteratively Improving Moving Horizon Observers},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, and the European Control Conference},
year = {2005}
Andrzejewski, T., Bock, H., Eich, E. & von Schwerin, R. |
Recent Advances in the Numerical Integration of Multibody Systems [BibTeX] |
1993 |
Advanced Multibody System Dynamics, Simulation and Software Tools |
inproceedings |
author = {T. Andrzejewski and H.G. Bock and E. Eich and R. von Schwerin},
title = {Recent Advances in the Numerical Integration of Multibody Systems},
booktitle = {Advanced Multibody System Dynamics, Simulation and Software Tools},
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London},
year = {1993},
editor = {W.~Schiehlen},
pages = {127--151}
Aurora, C., Diehl, M., Kuehl, P., Magni, L. & Scattolini, R. |
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Combined Cycle Power Plants [BibTeX] |
2005 |
Proc. of IFAC World Congress |
inproceedings |
author = {C. Aurora and M. Diehl and P. Kuehl and L. Magni and R. Scattolini},
title = {Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Combined Cycle Power Plants},
booktitle = {Proc. of IFAC World Congress},
year = {2005}
Bär, V. |
Ein Kollokationsverfahren zur numerischen Lösung allgemeiner Mehrpunktrandwertaufgaben mit Schalt-- und Sprungbedingungen mit Anwendungen in der optimalen Steuerung und der Parameteridentifizierung [BibTeX] |
1983 |
School: Rheinische Friedrich--Wilhelms--Universität zu Bonn |
mastersthesis |
author = {B{\"a}r, V.},
title = {Ein {K}ollokationsverfahren zur numerischen {L}\"osung allgemeiner {M}ehrpunkt\-randwertaufgaben mit {S}chalt-- und {S}prungbedingungen mit {A}nwendungen in der optimalen {S}teuerung und der {P}arameteridentifizierung},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich--Wilhelms--Universit\"at zu Bonn},
year = {1983}
Bürner, T. |
Algorithmen zur Lösung von Optimalsteuerungsproblemen bei der Systemschätzung in Echtzeit [BibTeX] |
2002 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {T. B\"urner},
title = {{A}lgorithmen zur {L}\"osung von {O}ptimalsteuerungsproblemen bei der {S}ystemsch\"atzung in {E}chtzeit},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2002}
Baake, E., Baake, M., Bock, H. & Briggs, K. |
Fitting ordinary differential equations to chaotic data [BibTeX] |
1992 |
Phys. Rev. A |
article |
author = {E. Baake and M. Baake and H.G. Bock and K.M. Briggs},
title = {{F}itting ordinary differential equations to chaotic data},
journal = {Phys. Rev. A},
year = {1992},
volume = {45},
pages = {5524--5529}
Baake, E. & Schlöder, J. |
Modelling the fast fluorescence rise of photosynthesis [BibTeX] |
1992 |
Bull. Math. Biol. |
article |
author = {E. Baake and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {{M}odelling the fast fluorescence rise of photosynthesis},
journal = {Bull. Math. Biol.},
year = {1992},
volume = {6},
number = {54},
pages = {999--1021}
Bauer, I. |
Numerische Verfahren zur Lösung von Anfangswertaufgaben und zur Generierung von ersten und zweiten Ableitungen mit Anwendungen bei Optimierungsaufgaben in Chemie und Verfahrenstechnik [BibTeX] |
1999 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
link |
author = {I. Bauer},
title = {{N}umerische {V}erfahren zur {L}\"osung von {A}nfangswertaufgaben und zur {G}enerierung von ersten und zweiten {A}bleitungen mit {A}nwendungen bei {O}ptimierungsaufgaben in {C}hemie und {V}erfahrenstechnik},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {1999},
url = {}
Bauer, I., Bock, H., Körkel, S. & Schlöder, J. |
Numerical Methods for Initial Value Problems and Derivative Generation for DAE Models with Application to Optimum Experimental Design of Chemical Processes [BibTeX] |
1999 |
Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II |
incollection |
author = {Bauer,I. and Bock, H.G. and K\"{o}rkel, S. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {Numerical Methods for Initial Value Problems and Derivative Generation for {DAE} Models with Application to Optimum Experimental Design of Chemical Processes},
booktitle = {Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {1999},
editor = {Keil, F. and Mackens, W. and Vo\ss, H. and Werther, J.},
pages = {282--289}
Bauer, I., Bock, H., Körkel, S. & Schlöder, J. |
Numerical methods for optimum experimental design in DAE systems [BibTeX] |
2000 |
J. Comput. Appl. Math. |
article |
author = {I. Bauer and H.G. Bock and S. K\"orkel and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Numerical methods for optimum experimental design in {DAE} systems},
journal = {J. Comput. Appl. Math.},
year = {2000},
volume = {120},
number = {1-2},
pages = {1--15}
Bauer, I., Bock, H., Leineweber, D. & Schlöder, J. |
[BibTeX] |
1999 |
Direct Multiple Shooting Methods for Control and Optimization of DAE in Chemical Engineering |
inbook |
author = {Bauer, I. and Bock, H.G. and Leineweber, D. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Direct Multiple Shooting Methods for Control and Optimization of DAE in Chemical Engineering},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {1999},
editor = {Keil and Mackens and Vo\ss and Werther},
volume = {1},
series = {Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II},
pages = {2--18}
Bauer, I., Finocchi, F., Duschl, W., Gail, H.-P. & Schlöder, J. |
Simulation of chemical reactions and dust destruction in protoplanetary accretion discs [BibTeX] |
1997 |
Astron. Astrophys. |
article |
author = {I. Bauer and F. Finocchi and W.J. Duschl and H.-P. Gail and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Simulation of chemical reactions and dust destruction in protoplanetary accretion discs},
journal = {Astron. Astrophys.},
year = {1997},
volume = {317},
pages = {273--289}
Beigel, D. |
Efficient goal-oriented global error estimation for BDF-type methods using discrete adjoints [BibTeX] |
2012 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
author = {Beigel, D.},
title = {Efficient goal-oriented global error estimation for {BDF}-type methods using discrete adjoints},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2012}
Beigel, D., Mommer, M., Wirsching, L. & Bock, H. |
Approximation of weak adjoints by reverse automatic differentiation of BDF methods [BibTeX] |
2013 |
Numerische Mathematik |
article |
author = {D. Beigel and M.S. Mommer and L. Wirsching and H.G. Bock},
title = {Approximation of weak adjoints by reverse automatic differentiation of {BDF} methods},
journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
year = {2013},
note = {accepted}
Belotti, P., Kirches, C., Leyffer, S., Linderoth, J., Luedtke, J. & Mahajan, A. |
Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization [BibTeX] |
2013 |
Acta Numerica |
incollection |
DOI link |
author = {P. Belotti and C. Kirches and S. Leyffer and J.T. Linderoth and J. Luedtke and A. Mahajan},
title = {Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization},
booktitle = {Acta Numerica},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
year = {2013},
editor = {Arieh Iserles},
volume = {22},
pages = {1--131},
url = {},
doi = {}
Binder, T. |
Parameter Estimation for Dynamic Processes Described with DDEs [BibTeX] |
2007 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {T. Binder},
title = {Parameter Estimation for Dynamic Processes Described with DDEs},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2007}
Binder, T., Blank, L., Bock, H., Bulirsch, R., Dahmen, W., Diehl, M., Kronseder, T., Marquardt, W., Schlöder, J. & Stryk, O. |
Introduction to Model Based Optimization of Chemical Processes on Moving Horizons [BibTeX] |
2001 |
Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems: State of the Art |
incollection |
link |
author = {T. Binder and L. Blank and H.G. Bock and R. Bulirsch and W. Dahmen and M. Diehl and T. Kronseder and W. Marquardt and J.P. Schl\"oder and O.v. Stryk},
title = {Introduction to Model Based Optimization of Chemical Processes on Moving Horizons},
booktitle = {Online {O}ptimization of {L}arge {S}cale Systems: {S}tate of the {A}rt},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2001},
editor = {M. Gr\"otschel and S.O. Krumke and J. Rambau},
pages = {295--340},
url = {}
Björnberg, J. & Diehl, M. |
Approximate robust dynamic programming and robustly stable MPC [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Automatica |
article |
author = {J. Bj{\"o}rnberg and M. Diehl},
title = {Approximate robust dynamic
programming and robustly stable {MPC}},
journal = {Automatica},
year = {2006},
volume = {42},
number = {5},
pages = {777--782}
Björnberg, J. & Diehl, M. |
Approximate robust dynamic programming and robustly stable MPC [BibTeX] |
2004 |
techreport |
author = {Jakob Bj{\"o}rnberg and Moritz Diehl},
title = {Approximate robust dynamic programming and robustly stable
year = {2004},
number = {2004-41}
Bleser, G. |
Eine effiziente Ordnungs-- und Schrittweitensteuerung unter Verwendung von Fehlerformeln für variable Gitter und ihre Realisierung in Mehrschrittverfahren vom BDF--Typ [BibTeX] |
1986 |
School: Universität Bonn |
mastersthesis |
author = {G. Bleser},
title = {{E}ine effiziente {O}rdnungs-- und {S}chrittweitensteuerung unter {V}erwendung von {F}ehlerformeln f\"ur variable {G}itter und ihre {R}ealisierung in {M}ehrschrittverfahren vom {B}{D}{F}--{T}yp},
school = {Universit\"at Bonn},
year = {1986}
Bock, H. |
Recent advances in parameter identification techniques for ODE [BibTeX] |
1983 |
Numerical Treatment of Inverse Problems in Differential and Integral Equations |
incollection |
link |
author = {Bock, H.G.},
title = {Recent advances in parameter identification techniques for {ODE}},
booktitle = {Numerical Treatment of Inverse Problems in Differential and Integral Equations},
publisher = {Birk\-h\"au\-ser},
year = {1983},
editor = {P. Deuflhard and E. Hairer},
pages = {95--121},
address = {Boston},
url = {}
Bock, H. |
Numerical treatment of inverse problems in chemical reaction kinetics [BibTeX] |
1981 |
Modelling of Chemical Reaction Systems |
incollection |
link |
author = {Bock, H.G.},
title = {Numerical treatment of inverse problems in chemical reaction kinetics},
booktitle = {Modelling of Chemical Reaction Systems},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {1981},
editor = {K.H. Ebert and P. Deufl\-hard and W. J\"ager},
volume = {18},
series = {Springer Series in Chemical Physics},
pages = {102--125},
address = {Heidelberg},
url = {}
Bock, H. |
Numerische Berechnung zustandsbeschränkter optimaler Steuerungen mit der Mehrzielmethode [BibTeX] |
1978 |
Publisher: Carl-Cranz-Gesellschaft |
book |
author = {Bock, H.G.},
title = {Numerische {Berechnung} zustandsbeschr\"ankter optimaler {S}teuerungen mit der {M}ehrzielmethode},
publisher = {Carl-{C}ranz-{G}esellschaft},
year = {1978},
editor = {Zweig {O}berpfaffenhofen},
address = {Heidelberg}
Bock, H. |
Randwertproblemmethoden zur Parameteridentifizierung in Systemen nichtlinearer Differentialgleichungen [BibTeX] |
1987 |
Publisher: Universität Bonn |
book |
link |
author = {Bock, H.G.},
title = {Randwertproblemmethoden zur {P}arameteridentifizierung in {S}ystemen nichtlinearer {D}ifferentialgleichungen},
publisher = {Universit\"at Bonn},
year = {1987},
volume = {183},
series = {Bonner Ma\-the\-ma\-tische Schriften},
address = {Bonn},
url = {}
Bock, H. |
Numerische Behandlung von zustandsbeschränkten und Chebyshev-Steuerungsproblemen [BibTeX] |
1981 |
techreport |
link |
author = {Bock, H.G.},
title = {{N}umerische {B}ehandlung von zustandsbeschr\"{a}nkten und {C}hebyshev-{S}teuerungsproblemen},
year = {1981},
number = {R106/81/11},
address = {Heidelberg},
url = {}
Bock, H. |
Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Multipoint Boundary Value Problems with Applications to Optimal Control [BibTeX] |
1978 |
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik |
article |
author = {Bock, H.G.},
title = {Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Multipoint Boundary Value Problems with Applications to Optimal Control},
journal = {Zeitschrift f\"ur {A}ngewandte {M}athematik und {M}echanik},
year = {1978},
volume = {58},
pages = {407}
Bock, H. |
Zur numerischen Behandlung zustandsbeschränkter Steuerungsprobleme mit Mehrzielmethode und Homotopieverfahren [BibTeX] |
1977 |
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik |
article |
author = {Bock, H.G.},
title = {{Z}ur numerischen {B}ehandlung zustandsbeschr\"ankter {S}teuerungsprobleme mit {M}ehrzielmethode und {H}omotopieverfahren},
journal = {Zeitschrift f\"ur {A}ngewandte {M}athematik und {M}echanik},
year = {1977},
volume = {57},
number = {4},
pages = {T266--T268}
Bock, H. |
Numerische Optimierung zustandsbeschränkter parameterabhängiger Prozesse mit linear auftretender Steuerung unter Anwendung der Mehrzielmethode [BibTeX] |
1974 |
School: Universität zu Köln |
mastersthesis |
author = {Bock, H.G.},
title = {{N}umerische {O}ptimierung zustandsbeschr\"ankter parameterabh\"angiger {P}rozesse mit linear auftretender {S}teuerung unter {A}nwendung der {M}ehrzielmethode},
school = {Universit\"at zu K\"oln},
year = {1974}
Bock, H., Chuai-Aree, S., Jäger, W. & S., S. |
Reconstruction of Branching Structures Using Region and Volume Growing Method [BibTeX] |
2005 |
In Proc. Intern. Conf. Math. and Appl. (ICMA-MU 2005), Bangkok |
inproceedings |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Chuai-Aree, S. and J\"{a}ger, W. and Siripant S.},
title = {Reconstruction of Branching Structures Using Region and Volume Growing Method},
booktitle = {In Proc. Intern. Conf. Math. and Appl. ({ICMA}-{MU} 2005), Bangkok},
year = {2005}
Bock, H., Chuai-Aree, S., Jäger, W. & Siripant, S. |
Inverse Problem of Lindenmayer Systems on Branching Structures [BibTeX] |
2007 |
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes. Proc. Int. Conf. High Performance Scientific Computing |
inproceedings |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Chuai-Aree, S. and J\"{a}ger, W. and Siripant, S.},
title = {Inverse Problem of Lindenmayer Systems on Branching Structures},
booktitle = {Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes. Proc. Int. Conf. High Performance Scientific Computing},
year = {2007}
Bock, H., Deutschmann, O., Körkel, S., Maier, L., Minh, H. D., Schlöder, J., Tischer, S. & Warnatz, J. |
Optimization of Reactive Flows in a Single Channel of a Catalytic Monolith: conversion of Ethane to Ethylene [BibTeX] |
2007 |
Reactive Flows, Diffusion and Transport. From Experiments via Mathematical Modeling to Numerical Simulation and Optimization Final Report of SFB (Collaborative Research Center) 359 |
incollection |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Deutschmann, O. and K\"{o}rkel, S. and Maier, L. and Minh, H. D. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and Tischer, S. and Warnatz, J.},
title = {Optimization of Reactive Flows in a Single Channel of a Catalytic Monolith: conversion of Ethane to Ethylene},
booktitle = {Reactive Flows, Diffusion and Transport. From Experiments via Mathematical Modeling to Numerical Simulation and Optimization Final Report of {SFB} (Collaborative Research Center) 359},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2007},
editor = {J\"{a}ger, W. and Rannacher, R. and Warnatz, J.},
pages = {291--310}
Bock, H., Diehl, M., Kühl, P., Kostina, E., Schlöder, J. & Wirsching, L. |
Numerical Methods for Efficient and Fast Nonlinear Model Predictive Control [BibTeX] |
2005 |
Assessment and future directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control |
inproceedings |
author = {H.G. Bock and M. Diehl and P. K\"uhl and E. Kostina and J.P. Schl\"oder and L. Wirsching},
title = {Numerical Methods for Efficient and Fast Nonlinear Model Predictive Control},
booktitle = {Assessment and future directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2005},
editor = {Findeisen, R. and Allg\"ower, F. and Biegler, L. T.},
volume = {358},
series = {Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences},
pages = {163--179}
Bock, H., Diehl, M. & Kostina, E. |
SQP Methods with Inexact Jacobians for Inequality Constrained Optimization [BibTeX] |
2004 |
techreport |
author = {H.G. Bock and M. Diehl and E. Kostina},
title = {{SQP} Methods with Inexact {J}acobians for Inequality Constrained Optimization},
year = {2004},
number = {04-XX},
address = {Heidelberg}
Bock, H., Diehl, M., Kostina, E. & Schlöder, J. |
Constrained Optimal Feedback Control of Systems Governd by Large Differential Algebraic Equations [BibTeX] |
2007 |
Real-Time PDE-Constrained Optimization |
incollection |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Diehl, M. and Kostina, E.A. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Constrained Optimal Feedback Control of Systems Governd by Large Differential Algebraic Equations},
booktitle = {Real-Time PDE-Constrained Optimization},
publisher = {SIAM},
year = {2007},
editor = {L. Biegler and O. Ghattas and M. Heinkenschloss and D. Keyes and B. van Bloemen Waanders},
pages = {3--24}
Bock, H., Diehl, M., Leineweber, D. & Schlöder, J. |
A direct multiple shooting method for real-time optimization of nonlinear DAE processes [BibTeX] |
2000 |
Nonlinear Predictive Control |
inproceedings |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Diehl, M. and Leineweber, D.B. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {A direct multiple shooting method for real-time optimization of nonlinear {DAE} processes},
booktitle = {Nonlinear Predictive Control},
publisher = {Birkh\"auser},
year = {2000},
editor = {F. Allg\"ower and A. Zheng},
volume = {26},
series = {Progress in Systems Theory},
pages = {246--267},
address = {Basel Boston Berlin}
Bock, H., Egartner, W., Kappis, W. & Schulz, V. |
Practical Shape Optimization for Turbine and Compressor Blades by the Use of PRSQP Methods [BibTeX] |
2002 |
Optimization and Engineering |
article |
author = {H.G. Bock and W. Egartner and W. Kappis and V. Schulz},
title = {Practical Shape Optimization for Turbine and Compressor Blades by the Use of {PRSQP} Methods},
journal = {Optimization and Engineering},
year = {2002},
volume = {3},
number = {4},
pages = {395--414}
Bock, H., Eich, E. & Schlöder, J. |
Numerical Solution of Constrained Least Squares Boundary Value Problems in Differential-Algebraic Equations [BibTeX] |
1988 |
Numerical Treatment of Differential Equations. Proceedings of the NUMDIFF-4 Conference, Halle-Wittenberg, 1987. |
inproceedings |
author = {H.G. Bock and E. Eich and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Numerical Solution of Constrained Least Squares Boundary Value Problems in Differential-Algebraic Equations},
booktitle = {Numerical Treatment of Differential Equations. Proceedings of the NUMDIFF-4 Conference, Halle-Wittenberg, 1987.},
publisher = {Teubner},
year = {1988},
editor = {Karl Strehmel},
volume = {104},
series = {Texte zur Mathematik},
pages = {269--280}
Bock, H., Estler, M., Bommarius, A., Werner, H., Luft, H., Kostina, E. & Schlöder, J. |
Optimum experimental design for the determination of enzyme operating stability [BibTeX] |
2001 |
Proc. 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering |
inproceedings |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Estler, M. and Bommarius, A.S. and Werner, H. and Luft, H. and Kostina, E. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {Optimum experimental design for the determination of enzyme operating stability},
booktitle = {Proc. 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering},
year = {2001}
Bock, H., Körkel, S., Kostina, E. & Schlöder, J. |
Experimental Standard Conditions of Enzyme Characterization [BibTeX] |
2004 |
Methods for Design of Optimal Experiments with Application to Parameter Estimation in Enzyme Catalytic Processes |
inbook |
author = {Bock, H.G. and K\"{o}rkel, S. and Kostina, E. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {Methods for Design of Optimal Experiments with Application to Parameter Estimation in Enzyme Catalytic Processes},
chapter = {Experimental Standard Conditions of Enzyme Characterization},
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
year = {2004},
editor = {Hicks, M.G. and Kettner, C.},
pages = {45--70}
Bock, H., Körkel, S., Kostina, E. & Schlöder, J. |
Robustness Aspects in Parameter Estimation, Optimal Design of Experiments and Optimal Control [BibTeX] |
2007 |
Reactive Flows, Diffusion and Transport. From Experiments via Mathematical Modeling to Numerical Simulation and Optimization Final Report of SFB (Collaborative Research Center) 359 |
incollection |
author = {Bock, H.G. and K\"{o}rkel, S. and Kostina, E. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {Robustness Aspects in Parameter Estimation, Optimal Design of Experiments and Optimal Control},
booktitle = {Reactive Flows, Diffusion and Transport. From Experiments via Mathematical Modeling to Numerical Simulation and Optimization Final Report of {SFB} (Collaborative Research Center) 359},
publisher = {J\"{a}ger, W. and Rannacher, R. and Warnatz, J.},
year = {2007},
pages = {117--146}
Bock, H. & Kiessler |
Treibstoff- und zeitoptimale Aufstiegsbahnen von Überschallflugzeugen mit Schubumschaltung [BibTeX] |
1982 |
techreport |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Kie\ssler},
title = {{T}reibstoff- und zeitoptimale {A}ufstiegsbahnen von \"{U}berschallflugzeugen mit {S}chubumschaltung},
year = {1982},
address = {Oberpfaffenhofen}
Bock, H., Kostina, E. & Kostyukova, O. |
Conjugate Gradient Methods for Computing Covariance Matrices for Constrained Parameter Estimation Problems [BibTeX] |
2007 |
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Application |
article |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Kostina, E.A. and Kostyukova, O.I.},
title = {Conjugate Gradient Methods for Computing Covariance Matrices for Constrained Parameter Estimation Problems},
journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Application},
year = {2007},
volume = {29},
pages = {626}
Bock, H., Kostina, E., Schäfer, A., Schlöder, J. & Schulz, V. |
Multiple Set Point Partially Reduced SQP Method for Optimal Control of PDE. In Reactive Flows, Diffusion and Transport [BibTeX] |
2007 |
Reactive Flows, Diffusion and Transport. From Experiments via Mathematical Modeling to Numerical Simulation and Optimization Final Report of SFB (Collaborative Research Center) 359 |
incollection |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Kostina, E. and Sch\"{a}fer, A. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and Schulz, V.H.},
title = {Multiple Set Point Partially Reduced {SQP} Method for Optimal Control of {PDE}. In Reactive Flows, Diffusion and Transport},
booktitle = {Reactive Flows, Diffusion and Transport. From Experiments via Mathematical Modeling to Numerical Simulation and Optimization Final Report of {SFB} (Collaborative Research Center) 359},
publisher = {J\"{a}ger, W. and Rannacher, R. and Warnatz, J.},
year = {2007}
Bock, H., Kostina, E., Schlöder, J., Gienger, G., Ziegler, G. & Pallaschke, S. |
Robust Parameter Estimation for Identifying Satellite Orbits [BibTeX] |
2005 |
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes. Proc. Int. Conf. High Performance Scientific Computing |
inproceedings |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Kostina, E.A. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and Gienger, G. and Ziegler, G. and Pallaschke, S.},
title = {Robust Parameter Estimation for Identifying Satellite Orbits},
booktitle = {Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes. Proc. Int. Conf. High Performance Scientific Computing},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2005},
editor = {Hans Georg Bock, H.G and Kostina, E.A. and Phu, H.X. and Rannacher, R.}
Bock, H., Kostina, E. & Schlöder, J. |
On the Role of Natural Level Functions to Achieve Global Convergence for Damped Newton Methods. [BibTeX] |
2000 |
System Modelling and Optimization. Methods, Theory and Applications |
incollection |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Kostina, E.A. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {On the Role of Natural Level Functions to Achieve Global Convergence for Damped {N}ewton Methods.},
booktitle = {System Modelling and Optimization. Methods, Theory and Applications},
publisher = {Kluwer},
year = {2000},
editor = {Powell, M.J.D. and Scholtes, S.},
pages = {51--74}
Bock, H., Kostina, E. & Schlöder, J. |
Numerical Methods for Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Differential Algebraic Equations [BibTeX] |
2007 |
GAMM Mitteilungen |
article |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Kostina, E. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Numerical Methods for Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Differential Algebraic Equations},
journal = {GAMM Mitteilungen},
year = {2007},
volume = {30/2},
pages = {376--408}
Bock, H. & Krämer-Eis, P. |
A Multiple Shooting Method for Numerical Computation of Open and Closed Loop Controls in Nonlinear Systems [BibTeX] |
1984 |
Proceedings 9th IFAC World Congress Budapest |
inproceedings |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Kr\"{a}mer-Eis, P.},
title = {A Multiple Shooting Method for Numerical Computation of Open and Closed Loop Controls in Nonlinear Systems},
booktitle = {Proceedings 9th IFAC World Congress Budapest},
year = {1984}
Bock, H., Li, J., Longman, R. & Schulz, V. |
Implementing Time Optimal Robot Maneuvers using Realistic Actuator Constraints and Learning Control [BibTeX] |
1998 |
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences |
article |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Li, J. and Longman, R.W. and Schulz, V.H.},
title = {Implementing Time Optimal Robot Maneuvers using Realistic Actuator Constraints and Learning Control},
journal = {Advances in the Astronautical Sciences},
year = {1998},
volume = {99},
pages = {355--374}
Bock, H., Lindner, J., Plitt, K., Schlöder, J., von Schwerin, R. & Winckler, M. |
Numerische Verfahren für die Gesamtfahrzeugsimulation [BibTeX] |
1996 |
Mathematik - Schlüsseltechnologie für die Zukunft |
incollection |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Lindner, J. and Plitt, K.J. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and von Schwerin, R. and Winckler, M.},
title = {{N}umerische {V}erfahren f\"{u}r die {G}esamtfahrzeugsimulation},
booktitle = {{M}athematik - {S}chl\"{u}sseltechnologie f\"{u}r die {Z}ukunft},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {1996},
pages = {317--330}
Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
Computation of optimal controls on disjoint control sets for minimum energy subway operation [BibTeX] |
1985 |
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences |
article |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Computation of optimal controls on disjoint control sets for minimum energy subway operation},
journal = {Advances in the Astronautical Sciences},
year = {1985},
volume = {50},
pages = {949--972}
Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
Computation of optimal controls on disjoint control sets for minimum energy subway operation [BibTeX] |
1982 |
Proceedings of the American Astronomical Society. Symposium on Engineering Science and Mechanics |
inproceedings |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Computation of optimal controls on disjoint control sets for minimum energy subway operation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the {A}merican {A}stronomical {S}ociety. {S}ymposium on Engineering Science and Mechanics},
year = {1982},
address = {Taiwan}
Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
Optimal Control of Velocity Profiles for Minimization of Energy Consumption in the New York Subway System [BibTeX] |
1980 |
Proceedings of the Second IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Nonlinear Programming and Optimization |
inproceedings |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Optimal Control of Velocity Profiles for Minimization of Energy Consumption in the New York Subway System},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Nonlinear Programming and Optimization},
year = {1980},
pages = {34--43},
organization = {International Federation of Automatic Control}
Bock, H., Longman, R., Schlöder, J. & Winckler, M. |
Synthesis of Automotive Cams Using Multiple Shooting-SQP Methods for Constrained Optimization. [BibTeX] |
2003 |
Mathematics ? Key Technology for the Future |
incollection |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and Winckler, M.J.},
title = {Synthesis of Automotive Cams Using Multiple Shooting-{SQP} Methods for Constrained Optimization.},
booktitle = {Mathematics ? Key Technology for the Future},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2003},
editor = {J\"{a}ger, W. and Krebs, H.-J.}
Bock, H., Mennicke, S., Chew, M. & Longman, R. |
High Speed Automotive Cam Design Using Direct Multiple Shooting Control Techniques [BibTeX] |
2004 |
Proc. ASME Design Automation Conference DETC2004-57415, Salt Lake City |
inproceedings |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Mennicke, S. and Chew, M.S. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {High Speed Automotive Cam Design Using Direct Multiple Shooting Control Techniques},
booktitle = {Proc. {ASME} Design Automation Conference {DETC}2004-57415, Salt Lake City},
year = {2004}
Bock, H., Mennicke, S., Chew, M. & Longman, R. |
A CAD Package for High Speed Automotive Cam Design Based on Direct Multiple Shooting Control Techniques [BibTeX] |
2004 |
Proc. ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference DETC2004-57410, Salt Lake City |
inproceedings |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Mennicke, S. and Chew, M.S. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {A {CAD} Package for High Speed Automotive Cam Design Based on Direct Multiple Shooting Control Techniques},
booktitle = {Proc. {ASME} Design Engineering Technical Conference {DETC}2004-57410, Salt Lake City},
year = {2004}
Bock, H. & Plitt, K. |
A Multiple Shooting algorithm for direct solution of optimal control problems [BibTeX] |
1984 |
Proceedings of the 9th IFAC World Congress |
inproceedings |
link |
author = {H.G. Bock and K.J. Plitt},
title = {A {M}ultiple {S}hooting algorithm for direct solution of optimal control problems},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th {IFAC} World Congress},
publisher = {Pergamon Press},
year = {1984},
pages = {242--247},
address = {Budapest},
note = {Available at},
url = {}
Bock, H., Reiners, T. & Zobel, R. |
Parameteridentifizierung des Insassensimulationsmodells MADYMO - Methoden und Erfahrungen [BibTeX] |
1987 |
Proc. Systemidentifizierung in der Fahrzeugtechnik |
inproceedings |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Reiners, Th. and Zobel, R.},
title = {{P}arameteridentifizierung des {I}nsassensimulationsmodells {MADYMO} - {M}ethoden und {E}rfahrungen},
booktitle = {Proc. Systemidentifizierung in der Fahrzeugtechnik},
year = {1987},
editor = {Brockhaus, Doherr}
Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Fit, Fitter, the Fittest: Methods for Modelling and Validation of Dynamical Systems [BibTeX] |
1986 |
Advances in System Analysis |
incollection |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {Fit, Fitter, the Fittest: Methods for Modelling and Validation of Dynamical Systems},
booktitle = {Advances in System Analysis},
publisher = {Vieweg},
year = {1986},
editor = {D. P. F. M\"oller},
volume = {2}
Bock, H., Schlöder, J. & Schulz, V. |
Differential-Algebraic Equations and their Connections to Optimization [BibTeX] |
1996 |
techreport |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and Schulz, V.H.},
title = {Differential-Algebraic Equations and their Connections to Optimization},
year = {1996},
number = {96-58},
address = {Heidelberg}
Bock, H., Schlöder, Steinbach, M., Wörn, H., Schulz, V., J.P. & Longman, R. |
Schnelle Roboter am Fließband: Mathematische Bahnoptimierung in der Praxis [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
1996 |
Mathematik - Schlüsseltechnologie für die Zukunft |
incollection |
Abstract: The authors and co-workers have developed direct numerical methods of solving optimal control problems that are sufficiently fast that it is becoming reasonable to use them to perform time optimal path planning. In a series of publications, a good overview of the nature of time optimal robot motions has been developed for elbow, polar, and SCARA robots, and it was shown that for some maneuvers a very large savings in time is possible. This offers the opportunity to increase productivity on assembly lines by making the robots more efficient in executing their point-to-point motions. This paper takes one step toward converting these time optimal results into ones that can be used in routine robot operation. Methods are developed that allow one to make the existing robot feedback controllers produce the optimal torque histories needed for time optimal operation. It is shown that this is easiest accomplished by back computing the commands to give the robot links from the desired torque histories. |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Schl\"{o}der, and Steinbach, M.C. and W\"{o}rn, H. and Schulz, V.H. and J.P. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {{S}chnelle {R}oboter am {F}lie\ss{}band: {M}athematische {B}ahnoptimierung in der {P}raxis},
booktitle = {Mathematik - Schl\"{u}sseltechnologie f\"{u}r die Zukunft},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {1996},
editor = {Hoffmann, K.H. and J\"{a}ger, W and Lohmann, T. and Schunck, H.},
pages = {539--550},
address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}
Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Recent progress in the development of algorithm and software for large-scale parameter estimation problems in chemical reaction systems [BibTeX] |
1986 |
Automatic Control in Petrol, Petrochemical and Desalination Industries |
inproceedings |
author = {H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {{R}ecent progress in the development of algorithm and software for large-scale parameter estimation problems in chemical reaction systems},
booktitle = {{A}utomatic {C}ontrol in {P}etrol, {P}etrochemical and {D}esalination {I}ndustries},
year = {1986},
editor = {P. Kotobh},
organization = {IFAC Congress, Pergamon, Oxford}
Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Numerical computation of optimal controls in the presence of state-dependent time lags [BibTeX] |
1984 |
Proceedings 9th IFAC World Congress Automatic Control |
inproceedings |
author = {H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Numerical computation of optimal controls in the presence of state-dependent time lags},
booktitle = {Proceedings 9th IFAC World Congress Automatic Control},
year = {1984}
Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Numerical solution of retarded differential equations with state-dependent time lags [BibTeX] |
1981 |
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik |
article |
link |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Numerical solution of retarded differential equations with state-dependent time lags},
journal = {Zeitschrift f\"ur {A}ngewandte {M}athematik und {M}echanik},
year = {1981},
volume = {61},
pages = {269},
url = {}
Bock, H., Schlöder, J. & Schulz, V. |
Numerik großer Differentiell-Algebraischer Gleichungen -- Simulation und Optimierung [BibTeX] |
1994 |
Prozeßsimulation |
inproceedings |
author = {H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder and V.H. Schulz},
title = {{N}umerik gro\ss{}er {D}ifferentiell-{A}lgebraischer {G}leichungen -- {S}imulation und {O}ptimierung},
booktitle = {Proze\ss{}simulation},
publisher = {VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Weinheim},
year = {1994},
editor = {H. Schuler},
pages = {35--80}
Bock, H. & Schulz, V. |
Mathematical Aspects of CFD-Based Optimization [BibTeX] |
2008 |
Optimization and Computational Fluid Dynamics |
incollection |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Schulz, V.H.},
title = {Mathematical Aspects of {CFD}-Based Optimization},
booktitle = {Optimization and Computational Fluid Dynamics},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2008},
editor = {Thevenin, D. and Janiga, G.},
pages = {61--78}
Bock, H. & von Schwerin, R. |
An Inverse Dynamics ADAMS Method for Constrained Multibody Systems [BibTeX] |
1993 |
techreport |
author = {Bock, H.G. and von Schwerin, R.},
title = {An Inverse Dynamics {ADAMS} Method for Constrained Multibody Systems},
year = {1993},
number = {93-27},
address = {Heidelberg}
Bock, H., Tran, V. & Reinelt, G. |
BoxStep Methods for Crew Pairing Problems [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Optimization and Engineering |
article |
link |
author = {Bock, H.G. and Tran, V.H. and Reinelt, G.},
title = {BoxStep Methods for Crew Pairing Problems},
journal = {Optimization and Engineering},
year = {2006},
volume = {7},
number = {1},
pages = {33--46},
url = {10.1007/s11081-006-6589-y}
Brandt-Pollmann, U. |
Numerical solution of optimal control problems with implicitly defined discontinuities with applications in engineering [BibTeX] |
2004 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
author = {Brandt-Pollmann, U.},
title = {Numerical solution of optimal control problems with implicitly defined discontinuities with applications in engineering},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2004}
Brandt-Pollmann, U. |
Nicht-Standard Probleme der optimalen Steuerung in Chemie und Biotechnologie [BibTeX] |
2003 |
techreport |
author = {Brandt-Pollmann, U.},
title = {Nicht-\protect{Standard} \protect{Probleme} der optimalen \protect{Steuerung} in \protect{Chemie} und \protect{Biotechnologie}},
year = {2003},
address = {M\"unchen}
Brandt-Pollmann, U. |
Optimization of discontinuous dynamical models [BibTeX] |
2002 |
techreport |
author = {Brandt-Pollmann, U.},
title = {Optimization of discontinuous dynamical models},
year = {2002},
address = {Hangzhou, China}
Brandt-Pollmann, U., Lebiedz, D., Diehl, M., Sager, S. & Schlöder, J. |
Real-time nonlinear feedback control of pattern formation in (bio)chemical reaction--diffusion processes: A model study [BibTeX] |
2005 |
Chaos |
article |
author = {Brandt-Pollmann, U. and Lebiedz, D. and Diehl, M. and Sager, S. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Real-time nonlinear feedback control of pattern formation in (bio)chemical reaction--diffusion processes: {A} model study},
journal = {Chaos},
year = {2005},
volume = {15},
pages = {033901},
note = {selected for online-publication in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, July 15, 2005}
Brandt-Pollmann, U., Winkler, R., Sager, S., Moslener, U. & Schlöder, J. |
Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems with Constant Control Delays [BibTeX] |
2008 |
Computational Economics |
article |
link |
author = {Brandt-Pollmann, U. and Winkler, R. and Sager, S. and Moslener, U. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems with Constant Control Delays},
journal = {Computational Economics},
year = {2008},
volume = {31},
number = {2},
pages = {181--206},
url = {}
Brandt-Pollmann, U., Winkler, R., Sager, S., Moslener, U. & Schlöder, J. |
Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems with Constant Control Delays [BibTeX] |
2006 |
techreport |
link |
author = {Brandt-Pollmann, U. and Winkler, R. and Sager, S. and Moslener, U. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems with Constant Control Delays},
year = {2006},
note = {available at},
url = {}
Burgdörfer, H. |
Strukturausnutzende Algorithmen der Quadratischen Programmierung für gemischt-ganzzahlige Optimalsteuerung [BibTeX] |
2011 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Burgd\"orfer, H.},
title = {Strukturausnutzende {A}lgorithmen der {Q}uadratischen {P}rogrammierung f\"ur gemischt-ganzzahlige {O}ptimalsteuerung},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2011}
Chuai-Aree, S., Bock, H., Jäger, W., Kanbua, W., Krömker, S. & Siripant, S. |
3D Cloud and Storm Reconstruction from Satellite Image [BibTeX] |
2007 |
In Proc. HPSC 2006, Hanoi |
inproceedings |
author = {Chuai-Aree, S. and Bock, H.G. and J\"{a}ger, W. and Kanbua, W. and Kr\"{o}mker, S. and Siripant, S.},
title = {3{D} Cloud and Storm Reconstruction from Satellite Image},
booktitle = {In Proc. {HPSC} 2006, Hanoi},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2007}
Chuai-Aree, S., Bock, H., Jäger, W. & Siripant, S. |
Simulation and Visualization of Plant Growth Using Lindenmayer Systems [BibTeX] |
2005 |
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes. Proc. Int. Conf. High Performance Scientific Computing |
inproceedings |
author = {Chuai-Aree, S. and Bock, H.G. and J\"{a}ger, W. and Siripant, S.},
title = {Simulation and Visualization of Plant Growth Using Lindenmayer Systems},
booktitle = {Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes. Proc. Int. Conf. High Performance Scientific Computing},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2005},
editor = {Hans Georg Bock, H.G and Kostina, E.A. and Phu, H.X. and Rannacher, R.}
Chuai-Aree, S., Bock, H., Jäger, W. & Siripant, S. |
PlantVR: Software for Simulation and Visualization of Plant Growth Model [BibTeX] |
2006 |
In Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications, Beijing |
inproceedings |
author = {Chuai-Aree, S. and Bock, H.G. and J\"{a}ger, W. and Siripant, S.},
title = {PlantVR: Software for Simulation and Visualization of Plant Growth Model},
booktitle = {In Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications, Beijing},
year = {2006}
Chuai-Aree, S., Bock, H., Jäger, W. & Siripant, S. |
An Algorithm for Simulation of Leaf Vein, Shoot and Root Growth Based on Their Environmental Factors [BibTeX] |
2006 |
In Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications, Beijing |
inproceedings |
author = {Chuai-Aree, S. and Bock, H.G. and J\"{a}ger, W. and Siripant, S.},
title = {An Algorithm for Simulation of Leaf Vein, Shoot and Root Growth Based on Their Environmental Factors},
booktitle = {In Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications, Beijing},
year = {2006}
Chuai-Aree, S., Bock, H., Jäger, W. & Siripant, S. |
Modeling, Simulation and Visualization of Plant Root Growth and Diffusion Processes in Soil Volume [BibTeX] |
2004 |
In Proc. 4th Intern. Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, Montpellier |
inproceedings |
author = {Chuai-Aree, S. and Bock, H.G. and J\"{a}ger, W. and Siripant, S.},
title = {Modeling, Simulation and Visualization of Plant Root Growth and Diffusion Processes in Soil Volume},
booktitle = {In Proc. 4th Intern. Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, Montpellier},
year = {2004},
pages = {289--293}
Chuai-Aree, S., Bock, H., Jäger, W. & Siripant, S. |
Smooth Animation for Plant Growth Using Time Embedded Component and Growth Function [BibTeX] |
2002 |
East-West Journal of Mathematics |
article |
author = {Chuai-Aree, S. and Bock, H.G. and J\"{a}ger, W. and Siripant, S.},
title = {Smooth Animation for Plant Growth Using Time Embedded Component and Growth Function},
journal = {East-West Journal of Mathematics},
year = {2002}
Chuai-Aree, S., Bock, H., Jäger, W., Siripant, S. & Lursinsap, C. |
An Algorithm for Generating Plant Shoot and Root Growth Using Applied Lindenmayer Systems [BibTeX] |
2004 |
Proc. Int. Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and their Applications, Beijing |
inproceedings |
author = {Chuai-Aree, S. and Bock, H.G. and J\"{a}ger, W. and Siripant, S. and Lursinsap, C.},
title = {An Algorithm for Generating Plant Shoot and Root Growth Using Applied Lindenmayer Systems},
booktitle = {Proc. Int. Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and their Applications, Beijing},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2004},
pages = {55--68}
Coleman, M., Garcia, M., Mombaur, K. & Ruina, A. |
Prediction of stable walking for a toy that cannot stand [BibTeX] |
2001 |
Physical Review E |
article |
author = {M.J. Coleman and M. Garcia and K.D. Mombaur and A. Ruina},
title = {Prediction of stable walking for a toy that cannot stand},
journal = {Physical Review E},
year = {2001},
volume = {64},
number = {2},
pages = {022901}
Dell, D. |
Real-time Moving Horizon State Estimation and Model Predictive Control for a Nonlinear First-principle Pulp Digester Model [BibTeX] |
2007 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Dominik Dell},
title = {Real-time Moving Horizon State Estimation and Model Predictive Control for a Nonlinear First-principle Pulp Digester Model},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2007}
Diedam, H. |
Fast NMPC Algorithms for Humanoid Robot Walking [BibTeX] |
2009 |
School: University of Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {H. Diedam},
title = {Fast NMPC Algorithms for Humanoid Robot Walking},
school = {University of Heidelberg},
year = {2009}
Diedam, H., Dimitrov, D., Wieber, P.-B., Mombaur, K. & Diehl, M. |
Online Walking Gait Generation with Adaptive Foot Positioning through Linear Model Predictive Control [BibTeX] |
2008 |
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008. IROS 2008. |
inproceedings |
author = {H. Diedam and D. Dimitrov and P.-B. Wieber and K. Mombaur and M. Diehl},
title = {Online Walking Gait Generation with Adaptive Foot Positioning through Linear Model Predictive Control},
booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008. IROS 2008.},
year = {2008},
pages = {1121--1126}
Diehl, M. |
Real-Time Optimization for Large Scale Nonlinear Processes [BibTeX] |
2002 |
Publisher: VDI Verlag |
book |
link |
author = {M. Diehl},
title = {Real-Time Optimization for Large Scale Nonlinear Processes},
publisher = {VDI Verlag},
year = {2002},
volume = {920},
series = {Fortschritt-Berichte VDI Reihe 8, Me\ss-, Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik},
address = {D\"usseldorf},
note = {Download also at:},
url = {}
Diehl, M. |
Real-Time Optimization for Large Scale Nonlinear Processes [BibTeX] |
2001 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
link |
author = {M. Diehl},
title = {Real-Time Optimization for Large Scale Nonlinear Processes},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2001},
url = {}
Diehl, M. |
A direct multiple shooting method for the optimization and control of chemical processes [BibTeX] |
1998 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Diehl, M.},
title = {A direct multiple shooting method for the optimization and control of chemical processes},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {1998}
Diehl, M. & Björnberg, J. |
Robust Dynamic Programming for Min-Max Model Predictive Control of Constrained Uncertain Systems [BibTeX] |
2004 |
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control |
article |
author = {M. Diehl and J. Bj\"ornberg},
title = {Robust Dynamic Programming for Min-Max Model Predictive Control of Constrained Uncertain Systems},
journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Automatic Control},
year = {2004},
volume = {49},
number = {12},
pages = {2253--2257}
Diehl, M. & Björnberg, J. |
Robust Dynamic Programming for Linearly Constrained Polytopic Systems with Piecewise Linear Cost [BibTeX] |
2003 |
techreport |
author = {Diehl, M. and Bj\"ornberg, J.},
title = {Robust Dynamic Programming for Linearly Constrained Polytopic Systems with Piecewise Linear Cost},
year = {2003}
Diehl, M., Bock, H., Diedam, H. & Wieber, P.-B. |
Fast Direct Multiple Shooting Algorithms for Optimal Robot Control [BibTeX] |
2006 |
article |
author = {M. Diehl and H.G. Bock and H. Diedam and P.-B. Wieber},
title = {Fast Direct Multiple Shooting Algorithms for Optimal Robot Control},
journal = {LNCIS},
year = {2006},
note = {(in print)}
Diehl, M., Bock, H. & Kostina, E. |
An approximation technique for robust nonlinear optimization [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Mathematical Programming |
article |
author = {M. Diehl and H.G. Bock and E. Kostina},
title = {An approximation technique for robust nonlinear optimization},
journal = {Mathematical Programming},
year = {2006},
volume = {107},
pages = {213--230}
Diehl, M., Bock, H., Leineweber, D. & Schlöder, J. |
Efficient direct multiple shooting in nonlinear model predictive control [BibTeX] |
1999 |
Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II |
inproceedings |
author = {M. Diehl and H.G. Bock and D.B. Leineweber and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Efficient direct multiple shooting in nonlinear model predictive control},
booktitle = {Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {1999},
editor = {F. Keil and W. Mackens and H. Vo\ss and J. Werther},
volume = {2},
pages = {218--227},
address = {Berlin}
Diehl, M., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Newton-type methods for the approximate solution of nonlinear programming problems in real-time [BibTeX] |
2003 |
High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization |
incollection |
author = {Diehl, M. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {Newton-type methods for the approximate solution of nonlinear programming problems in real-time},
booktitle = {High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization},
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
year = {2003},
editor = {Di Pillo, G and Murli. A}
Diehl, M., Bock, H., Schlöder, J., Allgöwer, F., Findeisen, R. & Nagy, Z. |
Real-time Optimization and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Processes Governed by Differential-Algebraic Equations [BibTeX] |
2000 |
Advanced Control in Chemical Engineering (ADCHEM 2000) |
incollection |
author = {Diehl, M. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and Allg\"{o}wer, F. and Findeisen,R. and Nagy, Z.},
title = {Real-time Optimization and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Processes Governed by Differential-Algebraic Equations},
booktitle = {Advanced Control in Chemical Engineering (ADCHEM 2000)},
publisher = {Elsevier},
year = {2000},
pages = {695--703}
Diehl, M., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Newton-Type Methods for the Approximate Solution of Nonlinear Programming Problems in Real-Time [BibTeX] |
2002 |
High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization |
inproceedings |
author = {M. Diehl and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {{N}ewton-Type Methods for the Approximate Solution of Nonlinear Programming Problems in Real-Time},
booktitle = {High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization},
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V.},
year = {2002},
editor = {G. Di Pillo and A. Murli},
pages = {177--200}
Diehl, M., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
A real-time iteration scheme for nonlinear optimization in optimal feedback control [BibTeX] |
2005 |
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization |
article |
author = {M. Diehl and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {A real-time iteration scheme for nonlinear optimization in optimal feedback control},
journal = {{SIAM} Journal on Control and Optimization},
year = {2005},
volume = {43},
number = {5},
pages = {1714--1736}
Diehl, M., Bock, H., Schlöder, J., Allgöwer, F., Findeisen, R. & Nagy, Z. |
Real-time optimization and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Processes governed by Differential-Algebraic Equations [BibTeX] |
2000 |
ADCHEM2000 - International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes |
inproceedings |
author = {Diehl, M. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P. and Allg\"ower, F. and Findeisen, R. and Nagy, Z.},
title = {Real-time optimization and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Processes governed by Differential-Algebraic Equations},
booktitle = {ADCHEM2000 - International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes},
year = {2000},
volume = {2},
pages = {695--703},
address = {Pisa}
Diehl, M., Bock, H., Schlöder, J., Findeisen, R., Nagy, Z. & Allgöwer, F. |
Real-time optimization and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Processes governed by differential-algebraic equations [BibTeX] |
2002 |
J. Proc. Contr. |
article |
link |
author = {M. Diehl and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder and R. Findeisen and Z. Nagy and F. Allg\"ower},
title = {Real-time optimization and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Processes governed by differential-algebraic equations},
journal = {J. Proc. Contr.},
year = {2002},
volume = {12},
number = {4},
pages = {577--585},
url = {}
Diehl, M., Jarre, F. & Vogelbusch, C. |
Loss of Superlinear Convergence for an SQP-type method with Conic Constraints [BibTeX] |
2006 |
SIAM Journal on Optimization |
article |
DOI link |
author = {M. Diehl and F. Jarre, and C. Vogelbusch},
title = {Loss of Superlinear Convergence for an SQP-type method with Conic Constraints},
journal = {SIAM Journal on Optimization},
year = {2006},
volume = {16},
number = {4},
pages = {1201--1210},
url = {},
doi = {}
Diehl, M., Findeisen, R. & Allgöwer, F. |
A Stabilizing Real-time Implementation of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Real-Time and Online PDE-Constrained Optimization |
incollection |
author = {M. Diehl and R. Findeisen and F. Allg\"ower},
title = {A Stabilizing Real-time Implementation of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control},
booktitle = {Real-Time and Online PDE-Constrained Optimization},
publisher = {SIAM},
year = {2006},
editor = {L. Biegler and O. Ghattas and M. Heinkenschloss and D. Keyes and B. van Bloemen Waanders}
Diehl, M., Findeisen, R., Allgöwer, F., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Nominal Stability of the Real-Time Iteration Scheme for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control [BibTeX] |
2005 |
IEE Proc.-Control Theory Appl. |
article |
author = {Diehl, M. and Findeisen, R. and Allg\"ower, F. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Nominal Stability of the Real-Time Iteration Scheme for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control},
journal = {IEE Proc.-Control Theory Appl.},
year = {2005},
volume = {152},
number = {3},
pages = {296--308}
Diehl, M., Findeisen, R., Allgöwer, F., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Nominal Stability of the Real-Time Iteration Scheme for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control [BibTeX] |
2003 |
techreport |
author = {Diehl, M. and Findeisen, R. and Allg\"ower, F. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Nominal Stability of the Real-Time Iteration Scheme for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control},
year = {2003},
number = { \#1910}
Diehl, M., Findeisen, R., Allgöwer, F., Schlöder, J. & Bock, H. |
Stability of nonlinear model predictive control in the presence of errors due to numerical online optimization [BibTeX] |
2003 |
Proc. 43th IEEE Conf. Decision Contr. |
inproceedings |
author = {M. Diehl and R. Findeisen and F. Allg\"ower and J.P. Schl\"oder and H.G. Bock},
title = {Stability of nonlinear model predictive control in the presence of errors due to numerical online optimization},
booktitle = {Proc. 43th {IEEE} Conf. Decision Contr.},
year = {2003},
pages = {1419--1424},
address = {Maui, Hawaii}
Diehl, M., Findeisen, R., Schwarzkopf, S., Uslu, I., Allgöwer, F., Bock, H., Gilles, E. & Schlöder, J. |
An Efficient Algorithm for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Large-Scale Systems. Part II: Application to a Distillation Column [BibTeX] |
2003 |
Automatisierungstechnik |
article |
author = {M. Diehl and R. Findeisen and S. Schwarzkopf and I. Uslu and F. Allg\"ower and H.G. Bock and E.D. Gilles and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {An Efficient Algorithm for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Large-Scale Systems. {P}art {II}: Application to a Distillation Column},
journal = {Automatisierungstechnik},
year = {2003},
volume = {51},
number = {1},
pages = {22--29}
Diehl, M., Findeisen, R., Schwarzkopf, S., Uslu, I., Allgöwer, F., Bock, H., Gilles, E. & Schlöder, J. |
An Efficient Algorithm for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Large-Scale Systems. Part I: Description of the Method [BibTeX] |
2002 |
Automatisierungstechnik |
article |
link |
author = {M. Diehl and R. Findeisen and S. Schwarzkopf and I. Uslu and F. Allg\"ower and H.G. Bock and E.D. Gilles and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {An Efficient Algorithm for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Large-Scale Systems. {P}art {I}: Description of the Method},
journal = {Automatisierungstechnik},
year = {2002},
volume = {50},
number = {12},
pages = {557--567},
url = {}
Diehl, M., Küsters, R. & Scharr, H. |
Simultaneous Estimation of Extended Optical Flow and Global Parameters [BibTeX] |
2002 |
4th Workshop on Dynamic Perception |
inproceedings |
author = {M. Diehl and R. K\"usters and H. Scharr},
title = {Simultaneous Estimation of Extended Optical Flow and Global Parameters},
booktitle = {4th Workshop on Dynamic Perception},
year = {2002},
address = {Bochum}
Diehl, M., Kuehl, P., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Schnelle Algorithmen für die Zustands- und Parameterschätzung auf bewegten Horizonten [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Automatisierungstechnik |
article |
author = {M. Diehl and P. Kuehl and H.G Bock and J.P. Schl{\"o}der},
title = {Schnelle {A}lgorithmen f{\"ur} die {Z}ustands- und {P}arametersch{\"a}tzung auf bewegten {H}orizonten},
journal = {Automatisierungstechnik},
year = {2006},
volume = {54},
number = {12},
pages = {602--613}
Diehl, M., Kuehl, P., Bock, H., Schlöder, J., Mahn, B. & Kallrath, J. |
Combined NMPC and MHE for a copolymerization process [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Computer-aided chemical engineering |
inproceedings |
author = {M. Diehl and P. Kuehl and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder and B. Mahn and J. Kallrath},
title = {Combined {NMPC} and {MHE} for a copolymerization process},
booktitle = {Computer-aided chemical engineering},
publisher = {Elsevier},
year = {2006},
editor = {W. Marquardt and C. Pantelides},
volume = {21B},
pages = {1527--1532},
organization = {DECHEMA}
Diehl, M., Leineweber, D. & Schäfer, A. |
MUSCOD-II Users' Manual [BibTeX] |
2001 |
techreport |
author = {M. Diehl and D.B. Leineweber and A.A.S. Sch\"afer},
title = {{MUSCOD-II} {U}sers' {M}anual},
year = {2001},
number = {2001-25}
Diehl, M., Leineweber, D., Schäfer, A., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Optimization of Multiple-Fraction Batch Distillation with Recycled Waste Cuts [BibTeX] |
2002 |
AIChE Journal |
article |
author = {M. Diehl and D.B. Leineweber and A.A.S. Sch\"afer and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Optimization of Multiple-Fraction Batch Distillation with Recycled Waste Cuts},
journal = {{AIChE} Journal},
year = {2002},
volume = {48},
number = {12},
pages = {2869--2874}
Diehl, M., Magni, L. & de Nicolao, G. |
Efficient NMPC of unstable periodic systems using approximate infinite horizon closed loop costing [BibTeX] |
2004 |
Annual Reviews in Control |
article |
author = {Diehl, M. and Magni, L. and {de Nicolao}, G.},
title = {Efficient {NMPC} of unstable periodic systems using approximate infinite horizon closed loop costing},
journal = {Annual Reviews in Control},
year = {2004},
volume = {28},
number = {1},
pages = {37--45}
Diehl, M., Magni, L. & Nicolao, G. De. |
Online NMPC of unstable periodic systems using approximate infinite horizon closed loop costing [BibTeX] |
2004 |
Annual Reviews in Control |
article |
author = {Diehl, M. and L. Magni and {G. De} Nicolao},
title = {Online {N}{M}{P}{C} of unstable periodic systems using approximate infinite horizon closed loop costing},
journal = {Annual Reviews in Control},
publisher = {Elsevier},
year = {2004},
volume = {28},
pages = {37--45}
Diehl, M., Magni, L. & Nicolao, G. De. |
Online NMPC of a looping kite using approximate infinite horizon closed loop costing [BibTeX] |
2003 |
IFAC Conference "Control Systems Design" |
inproceedings |
author = {Diehl, M. and L. Magni and {G. De} Nicolao},
title = {Online {N}{M}{P}{C} of a looping kite using approximate infinite horizon closed loop costing},
booktitle = {IFAC Conference "Control Systems Design"},
year = {2003},
address = {Bratislava, Slovak Republic},
organization = {IFAC}
Diehl, M., Uslu, I., Findeisen, R., Schwarzkopf, S., Allgöwer, F., Bock, H., Bürner, T., Gilles, E., Kienle, A., Schlöder, J. & Stein, E. |
Real-Time Optimization for Large Scale Processes: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a High Purity Distillation Column [BibTeX] |
2001 |
Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems: State of the Art |
incollection |
author = {Diehl, M. and Uslu, I. and Findeisen, R. and Schwarzkopf, S. and Allg\"ower, F. and Bock, H.G. and B\"urner, T. and Gilles, E.D. and Kienle, A. and Schl\"oder, J.P. and Stein, E.},
title = {Real-Time Optimization for Large Scale Processes: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a High Purity Distillation Column},
booktitle = {Online {O}ptimization of {L}arge {S}cale Systems: {S}tate of the {A}rt},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2001},
editor = {M. Gr\"otschel and S. O. Krumke and J. Rambau},
pages = {363--384},
note = {download at:}
Diehl, M. & Walther, A. |
A test problem for periodic optimal control algorithms [BibTeX] |
2006 |
techreport |
author = {M. Diehl and A. Walther},
title = {A test problem for periodic optimal control algorithms},
year = {2006}
Diehl, M., Walther, A., Bock, H. & Kostina, E. |
An adjoint-based SQP algorithm with quasi-Newton Jacobian updates for inequality constrained optimization [BibTeX] |
2005 |
techreport |
author = {M. Diehl and A. Walther and H.G. Bock and E. Kostina},
title = {An adjoint-based {SQP} algorithm with quasi-{N}ewton {J}acobian updates for inequality constrained optimization},
year = {2005},
number = {Preprint MATH-WR-02-2005}
Dieses, A. |
Numerical Methods for Optimization Problems in Water Flow and Reactive Solute Transport Processes of Xenobiotics in Soils [BibTeX] |
2001 |
techreport |
author = {Dieses, A.},
title = {Numerical Methods for Optimization Problems in Water Flow and Reactive Solute Transport Processes of Xenobiotics in Soils},
year = {2001},
number = {SFB Preprint 2001-07},
note = {Ph.D. Thesis}
Dieses, A. |
Numerical Methods for Optimization Problems in Water Flow and Reactive Solute Transport Processes of Xenobiotics in Soils [BibTeX] |
2000 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
author = {Dieses, A.},
title = {Numerical Methods for Optimization Problems in Water Flow and Reactive Solute Transport Processes of Xenobiotics in Soils},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2000}
Dieses, A. |
Numerische Verfahren zur Diskriminierung nichtlinearer Modelle für dynamische chemische Prozesse [BibTeX] |
1997 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Dieses, A.},
title = {Numerische {V}erfahren zur {D}iskriminierung nichtlinearer {M}odelle f\"ur dynamische chemische {P}rozesse},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {1997}
Dieses, A., Schlöder, J., Bock, H., Richter, O., Aden, K. & Gottesbüren, B. |
A parameter estimation tool for nonlinear transport and degradation processes of xenobiotics in soil [BibTeX] |
1999 |
Human and environmental exposure to xenobiotics. Proceeding of the XI Symposium Pesticide Chemistry, 12-15 September, Cremona |
inproceedings |
author = {Dieses, A.E. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and Bock, H.G. and Richter, O. and Aden, K. and Gottesb\"uren, B.},
title = {A parameter estimation tool for nonlinear transport and degradation processes of xenobiotics in soil},
booktitle = {Human and environmental exposure to xenobiotics. Proceeding of the XI Symposium Pesticide Chemistry, 12-15 September, Cremona},
year = {1999}
Dieses, A. E., Schlöder, J., Bock, H. & Richter, O. |
Parameter Estimation for nonlinear transport and degradation processes of xenobiotica in soil [BibTeX] |
1999 |
Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II |
inproceedings |
author = {A. E. Dieses and J.P. Schl\"oder and H.G. Bock and O. Richter},
title = {Parameter Estimation for nonlinear transport and degradation processes of xenobiotica in soil},
booktitle = {Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
year = {1999},
editor = {F. Keil et al.},
volume = {2},
pages = {290--297}
Dimitrov, D., Wieber, P.-B., Stasse, O., Ferreau, H. & Diedam, H. |
An Optimized Linear Model Predictive Control Solver [BibTeX] |
2010 |
Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering |
incollection |
author = {D. Dimitrov and P.-B. Wieber and O. Stasse and H.J. Ferreau and H. Diedam},
title = {An Optimized Linear Model Predictive Control Solver},
booktitle = {Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
year = {2010},
editor = {M. Diehl and F. Glineur and E. Jarlebring and W. Michiels},
pages = {309--318}
Dimitrov, D., Wieber, P.-B., Stasse, O., Ferreau, H. & Diedam, H. |
An Optimized Linear Model Predictive Control Solver for Online Walking Motion Generation [BibTeX] |
2009 |
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2009. ICRA 2009. |
inproceedings |
author = {D. Dimitrov and P.-B. Wieber and O. Stasse and H.J. Ferreau and Diedam, H.},
title = {An Optimized Linear Model Predictive Control Solver for Online Walking Motion Generation},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2009. ICRA 2009.},
year = {2009},
pages = {1171--1176}
Ehrlenbach, T. |
Effiziente Unstetigkeitsbehandlung bei der Integration linear impliziter differentiell-algebraischer Gleichungssysteme vom Index 1 [BibTeX] |
2005 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {T. Ehrlenbach},
title = {{E}ffiziente {U}nstetigkeitsbehandlung bei der {I}ntegration linear impliziter differentiell-algebraischer {G}leichungssysteme vom {I}ndex 1},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2005}
Eich, E. |
Convergence results for a coordinate projection method applied to mechanical systems with algebraic constraints [BibTeX] |
1993 |
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis |
article |
author = {Eich, E.},
title = {Convergence results for a coordinate projection method applied to mechanical systems with algebraic constraints},
journal = {{SIAM} Journal on Numerical Analysis},
year = {1993},
volume = {30},
pages = {1467--1482}
Eich, E. |
Projizierende Mehrschrittverfahren zur numerischen Lösung von Bewegungsgleichungen technischer Mehrkörpersysteme mit Zwangsbedingungen und Unstetigkeiten [BibTeX] |
1992 |
Publisher: VDI-Verlag |
book |
author = {E. Eich},
title = {Projizierende {M}ehrschrittverfahren zur numerischen {L}\"osung von {B}ewegungsgleichungen technischer {M}ehrk\"orpersysteme mit {Z}wangsbedingungen und {U}nstetigkeiten},
publisher = {{VDI}-{V}erlag},
year = {1992},
series = {Dissertation, Universit\"at Augsburg 1991, erschienen als Fortschr.-Ber. VDI Reihe 18 Nr. 109},
address = {D\"usseldorf}
Eich, E. |
Numerische Behandlung semi-expliziter differentiell-algebraischer Gleichungssysteme vom Index I mit BDF Verfahren [BibTeX] |
1987 |
School: Universität Bonn |
mastersthesis |
author = {Eich, E.},
title = {{N}umerische {B}ehandlung semi-expliziter differentiell-algebraischer {G}lei\-chungs\-systeme vom {I}ndex {I} mit {BDF} {V}erfahren},
school = {Universit\"at Bonn},
year = {1987}
Eich, E., Führer, C., Leimkuhler, B. & Reich, S. |
Stabilization and Projection Methods for Multibody Dynamics [BibTeX] |
1990 |
techreport |
author = {E. Eich and C. F\"uhrer and B. Leimkuhler and S. Reich},
title = {{S}tabilization and {P}rojection {M}ethods for {M}ultibody {D}ynamics},
year = {1990},
number = {A281}
Eich, E., Führer, C. & Yen, J. |
On the error control for multistep methods applied to ODEs with invariants and DAEs in multibody dynamics [BibTeX] |
1993 |
techreport |
author = {E. Eich and C. F\"uhrer and J. Yen},
title = {{O}n the error control for multistep methods applied to {O}{D}{E}s with invariants and {D}{A}{E}s in multibody dynamics},
year = {1993},
number = {R-160}
Engelhart, M. |
Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Cancer Chemotherapies [BibTeX] |
2009 |
School: Heidelberg University |
mastersthesis |
link |
author = {Engelhart, M.},
title = {Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Cancer Chemotherapies},
school = {Heidelberg University},
year = {2009},
url = {}
Engelhart, M., Funke, J. & Sager, S. |
A Decomposition Approach for a New Test-Scenario in Complex Problem Solving [BibTeX] |
2012 |
Journal of Computational Science |
article |
link |
author = {Engelhart, M. and Funke, J. and Sager, S.},
title = {A Decomposition Approach for a New Test-Scenario in Complex Problem Solving},
journal = {Journal of Computational Science},
year = {2012},
note = {(accepted)},
url = {}
Engelhart, M., Lebiedz, D. & Sager, S. |
Optimal Control for Cancer Chemotherapy ODE Models: Potential of optimal schedules and choice of objective function [BibTeX] |
2011 |
Mathematical Biosciences |
article |
link |
author = {Engelhart, M. and Lebiedz, D. and Sager, S.},
title = {Optimal Control for Cancer Chemotherapy {ODE} Models: Potential of optimal schedules and choice of objective function},
journal = {Mathematical Biosciences},
year = {2011},
volume = {229},
number = {1},
pages = {123--134},
url = {}
Enke, K. |
Ein effizientes Rückwärtsdifferentiationsverfahren mit variabler Schrittweite und Ordnung zur Lösung steifer Anfangswertaufgaben [BibTeX] |
1984 |
School: Universität Bonn |
mastersthesis |
author = {Enke, K.},
title = {Ein effizientes {R}\"uckw\"artsdifferentiationsverfahren mit variabler {S}chritt\-weite und {O}rdnung zur {L}\"osung steifer {A}nfangswertaufgaben},
school = {Universit\"at Bonn},
year = {1984}
Ernst, M. |
Lösung von Anfangswerproblemen bei verzögerten Differentialgleichungen mit SolvIND [BibTeX] |
2011 |
School: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {M. Ernst},
title = {L\"osung von Anfangswerproblemen bei verz\"ogerten Differentialgleichungen mit {SolvIND}},
school = {Ruprecht-Karls-Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2011}
Ferreau, H. |
An Online Active Set Strategy for Fast Solution of Parametric Quadratic Programs with Applications to Predictive Engine Control [BibTeX] |
2006 |
School: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
link |
author = {H.J. Ferreau},
title = {An Online Active Set Strategy for Fast Solution of Parametric Quadratic Programs with Applications to Predictive Engine Control},
school = {Ruprecht-Karls-Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2006},
url = {}
Ferreau, H., Bock, H. & Diehl, M. |
An online active set strategy to overcome the limitations of explicit MPC [BibTeX] |
2008 |
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control |
article |
author = {H.J. Ferreau and H.G. Bock and M. Diehl},
title = {An online active set strategy to overcome the limitations of explicit {MPC}},
journal = {International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control},
year = {2008},
volume = {18},
number = {8},
pages = {816--830}
Ferreau, H., Bock, H. & Diehl, M. |
An Online Active Set Strategy for Fast Parametric Quadratic Programming in MPC Applications [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Fast Systems, Grenoble |
inproceedings |
author = {H.J. Ferreau and H.G. Bock and M. Diehl},
title = {An Online Active Set Strategy for Fast Parametric Quadratic Programming in {MPC} Applications},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Fast Systems, Grenoble},
year = {2006}
Ferreau, H., Lorini, G. & Diehl, M. |
Fast Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Gasoline Engines [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Munich |
inproceedings |
author = {H.J. Ferreau and G. Lorini and M. Diehl},
title = {Fast Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Gasoline Engines},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Munich},
year = {2006},
pages = {2754--2759}
Ferreau, H., Ortner, P., Langthaler, P., del Re, L. & Diehl, M. |
Predictive Control of a Real-World Diesel Engine using an Extended Online Active Set Strategy [BibTeX] |
2007 |
Annual Reviews in Control |
article |
author = {H.J. Ferreau and P. Ortner and P. Langthaler and L. del Re and M. Diehl},
title = {Predictive Control of a Real-World Diesel Engine using an Extended Online Active Set Strategy},
journal = {Annual Reviews in Control},
year = {2007},
volume = {31},
number = {2},
pages = {293--301}
Findeisen, R., Allgöwer, F., Diehl, M., Bock, H., Schlöder, J. & Nagy, Z. |
Efficient Nonlinear Model Predictive Control [BibTeX] |
2000 |
6th International Conference on Chemical Process Control -- CPC VI |
unpublished |
author = {Findeisen, R. and Allg\"ower, F. and Diehl, M. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P. and Nagy, Z.},
title = {Efficient Nonlinear Model Predictive Control},
booktitle = {6th International Conference on Chemical Process Control -- {CPC VI}},
year = {2000}
Findeisen, R., Bock, H., Nagy, Z., Diehl, M., Allgöwer, F. & Schlöder, J. |
Computational feasibility and performance of nonlinear model predictive control [BibTeX] |
2001 |
Proc. 6th European Control Conference ECC01 |
inproceedings |
author = {Findeisen, R. and Bock, H.G. and Nagy, Z. and Diehl, M. and Allg\"{o}wer, F. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {Computational feasibility and performance of nonlinear model predictive control},
booktitle = {Proc. 6th European Control Conference ECC01},
year = {2001},
pages = {957 -- 961}
Findeisen, R., Diehl, M., Bürner, T., Allgöwer, F., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Efficient output feedback nonlinear model predictive control [BibTeX] |
2002 |
Proc. Amer. Contr. Conf. |
inproceedings |
author = {R. Findeisen and M. Diehl and T. B\"urner and F. Allg\"ower and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Efficient output feedback nonlinear model predictive control},
booktitle = {Proc. Amer. Contr. Conf.},
year = {2002},
pages = {4752--4757},
address = {Anchorage}
Findeisen, R., Diehl, M., Uslu, I., Schwarzkopf, S., Allgöwer, F., Bock, H., Schlöder, J. & Gilles, E. |
Computation and Performance Assesment of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control [BibTeX] |
2002 |
#cdc42# |
inproceedings |
author = {Findeisen, R. and Diehl, M. and Uslu, I. and Schwarzkopf, S. and Allg\"ower, F. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P. and E.D. Gilles},
title = {Computation and Performance Assesment of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control},
booktitle = {#cdc42#},
year = {2002},
pages = {4613--4618},
address = {Las Vegas, USA}
Finocchi, F., Bauer, I., Gail, H.-P.. & Schlöder, J. |
Chemical reactions and dust destruction in protoplanetary accretion disks [BibTeX] |
1996 |
Modelling of Chemical Reactions, Proc. of Int. Workshop, Heidelberg, Germany, July 24-26, 1996 |
inproceedings |
author = {F. Finocchi and I. Bauer and {H.-P.} Gail and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Chemical reactions and dust destruction in protoplanetary accretion disks},
booktitle = {Modelling of Chemical Reactions, Proc. of Int. Workshop, Heidelberg, Germany, July 24-26, 1996},
year = {1996},
editor = {J. Warnatz and F. Behrendt},
address = {IWR, Heidelberg, Germany}
Frasch, J., Wirsching, L., Sager, S. & Bock, H. |
Mixed-Level Iteration Schemes for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control [BibTeX] |
2012 |
Proceedings of the IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control |
inproceedings |
author = {J.V. Frasch and L. Wirsching and S. Sager and H.G. Bock},
title = {Mixed-Level Iteration Schemes for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control},
year = {2012}
Frasch, J. V., Gray, A. J., Zanon, M., Ferreau, H. J., Sager, S., Borrelli, F. & Diehl, M. |
An Auto-generated Nonlinear MPC Algorithm for Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance of Ground Vehicles [BibTeX] |
2013 |
Proceedings of the European Control Conference |
inproceedings |
author = {Frasch, J. V. and Gray, A. J. and Zanon, M. and Ferreau, H. J. and Sager, S. and Borrelli, F. and Diehl, M.},
title = {{A}n {A}uto-generated {N}onlinear {MPC} {A}lgorithm for {R}eal-{T}ime {O}bstacle {A}voidance of {G}round {V}ehicles},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Control Conference},
year = {2013}
Frasch, J. V., Kraus, T., Saeys, W. & Diehl, M. |
Moving Horizon Observation for Autonomous Operation of Agricultural Vehicles [BibTeX] |
2012 |
Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC) |
inproceedings |
author = {Frasch, J. V. and Kraus, T. and Saeys, W. and Diehl, M.},
title = {{M}oving {H}orizon {O}bservation for {A}utonomous {O}peration of {A}gricultural {V}ehicles},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC)},
year = {2012}
Gallitzendörfer, J. |
Parallel Algorithms for Optimization Boundary Value Problems in DAE [BibTeX] |
1994 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
author = {Gallitzend\"{o}rfer, J.V.},
title = {Parallel Algorithms for Optimization Boundary Value Problems in {DAE}},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {1994}
Gallitzendörfer, J. & Bock, H. |
Parallel Algorithms for optimization boundary value problems in DAE [BibTeX] |
1994 |
Praxisorientierte Parallelverarbeitung |
inproceedings |
author = {J.V. Gallitzend\"orfer and H.G. Bock},
title = {Parallel Algorithms for optimization boundary value problems in {D}{A}{E}},
booktitle = {Praxisorientierte Parallelverarbeitung},
publisher = {Hanser, M\"unchen},
year = {1994},
editor = {H. Langend\"orfer}
Gerdts, M. & Sager, S. |
Mixed-Integer DAE Optimal Control Problems: Necessary conditions and bounds [BibTeX] |
2012 |
Control and Optimization with Differential-Algebraic Constraints |
incollection |
link |
author = {Gerdts, M. and Sager, S.},
title = {Mixed-Integer {DAE} Optimal Control Problems: Necessary conditions and bounds},
booktitle = {Control and Optimization with Differential-Algebraic Constraints},
publisher = {SIAM},
year = {2012},
editor = {Biegler, L. and Campbell, S.L. and Mehrmann, V.},
pages = {189--212},
url = {}
Giese, G., Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
The Optimized Interaction Forces in Minimum Time Control of Elbow and SCARA Robots [BibTeX] |
2000 |
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences |
article |
author = {Giese, G. and Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {The Optimized Interaction Forces in Minimum Time Control of Elbow and SCARA Robots},
journal = {Advances in the Astronautical Sciences},
year = {2000},
volume = {103},
pages = {653--672}
Giese, G., Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
Understanding How Minimum-Time Control Optimizes Link Interaction Forces in Polar Coordinate Robots [BibTeX] |
1999 |
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences |
article |
author = {Giese, G. and Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Understanding How Minimum-Time Control Optimizes Link Interaction Forces in Polar Coordinate Robots},
journal = {Advances in the Astronautical Sciences},
year = {1999},
volume = {102},
pages = {99--119}
Gräber, M., Kirches, C., Scharff, D. & Tegethoff, W. |
Using Functional Mock-up Units for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control [BibTeX] |
2012 |
Proceedings of the 9th Modelica Conference |
inproceedings |
author = {M. Gr\"{a}ber and C. Kirches and D. Scharff and W. Tegethoff},
title = {Using Functional Mock-up Units for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Modelica Conference},
year = {2012},
address = {Munich, Germany}
Gräber, M., Kirches, C., Schlöder, J. & Tegethoff, W. |
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Vapor Compression Cycle based on First Principle Models [BibTeX] |
2012 |
Proceedings of MATHMOD 2012, Vienna, February 15--17, 2012 |
inproceedings |
author = {M. Gr\"{a}ber and C. Kirches and J.P. Schl\"{o}der and W. Tegethoff},
title = {{N}onlinear {M}odel {P}redictive {C}ontrol of a {V}apor {C}ompression {C}ycle based on {F}irst {P}rinciple {M}odels},
booktitle = {Proceedings of {MATHMOD} 2012, Vienna, February 15--17, 2012},
year = {2012},
note = {(accepted for publication in IFAC}
Gräber, M., Kirches, C., Bock, H., Schlöder, J., Tegethoff, W. & Köhler, J. |
Determining the Optimum Cyclic Operation of Adsorption Chillers by a Direct Method for Periodic Optimal Control [BibTeX] |
2011 |
International Journal of Refrigeration |
article |
DOI link |
author = {M. Gr\"aber and C. Kirches and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder and W. Tegethoff and J. K\"ohler},
title = {Determining the Optimum Cyclic Operation of Adsorption Chillers by a Direct Method for Periodic Optimal Control},
journal = {International Journal of Refrigeration},
year = {2011},
volume = {34},
number = {4},
pages = {902--913},
url = {},
doi = {j.ijrefrig.2010.12.021}
Gräber, M., Kirches, C., Schlöder, J. & Tegethoff, W. |
Optimal cyclic operation of two-bed adsorption chillers with mass recovery [BibTeX] |
2011 |
Proceedings of ISHPC 2011, Padua, Italy, April 5--7, 2011 |
inproceedings |
author = {M. Gr\"aber and C. Kirches and J.P. Schl\"oder and W. Tegethoff},
title = {Optimal cyclic operation of two-bed adsorption chillers with mass recovery},
booktitle = {Proceedings of {ISHPC 2011}, Padua, Italy, April 5--7, 2011},
year = {2011}
Grüne, L., Sager, S., Allgöwer, F., Bock, H. & Diehl, M. |
Predictive planning and systematic action -- on the control of technical processes [BibTeX] |
2010 |
Production Factor Mathematics |
inbook |
author = {L. Gr\"une and S. Sager and F. Allg\"ower and H.G. Bock and M. Diehl},
title = {Production Factor Mathematics},
chapter = {Predictive planning and systematic action -- on the control of technical processes},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2010},
editor = {M. Gr\"otschel and K. Lucas and V. Mehrmann},
pages = {9--38},
note = {ISBN 978-3-6421-1247-8}
Grüne, L., Sager, S., Allgöwer, F., Bock, H. & Diehl, M. |
Vorausschauend planen, gezielt handeln -- über die Regelung und Steuerung technischer Prozesse [BibTeX] |
2008 |
Produktionsfaktor Mathematik |
inbook |
link |
author = {L. Gr\"une and S. Sager and F. Allg\"ower and H.G. Bock and M. Diehl},
title = {Produktionsfaktor {Mathematik}},
chapter = {Vorausschauend planen, gezielt handeln -- \"uber die {R}egelung und {S}teuerung technischer {P}rozesse},
publisher = {acatech},
year = {2008},
editor = {M. Gr\"otschel and K. Lucas and V. Mehrmann},
pages = {27--62},
note = {ISSN 1861-9924, ISBN 978-3-540-89434-6},
url = {}
Grella, K. |
Model-based Online Optimum Experimental Design for Parameter Estimation [BibTeX] |
2009 |
School: University of Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Grella, Konstantin},
title = {Model-based Online Optimum Experimental Design for Parameter Estimation},
school = {University of Heidelberg},
year = {2009}
Houska, B. & Diehl, M. |
Optimal Control of Towing Kites [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Conference on Control and Decision, San Diego |
inproceedings |
author = {{B}. {H}ouska and {M}. {Diehl}},
title = {{O}ptimal {C}ontrol of {T}owing {K}ites},
booktitle = {{C}onference on {C}ontrol and {D}ecision, {S}an {D}iego},
year = {2006},
note = {({CD}-{ROM})}
Hante, F. & Sager, S. |
Relaxation Methods for Mixed-Integer Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations [BibTeX] |
2013 |
Computational Optimization and Applications |
article |
author = {F.M. Hante and S. Sager},
title = {Relaxation Methods for Mixed-Integer Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations},
journal = {Computational Optimization and Applications},
year = {2013},
volume = {55},
number = {1},
pages = {197--225}
Hartel, B., Steinbach, M., Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
The influence of friction on time optimal robot trajectories [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
1997 |
Proc. 35th Annual Allerton Conf. Communication, Control and Computing |
inproceedings |
Abstract: By making use of time optimal control, robot path planning can increase the speed of robots on assembly lines. This can allow assembly lines to operate at higher speeds with increased productivity. In a series of papers the authors have developed an overview of the nature of time optimal trajectories for various kinds of robots. Here we introduce friction into the robot model to understand the effect it has on time optimal solutions. One might expect that friction would simply slow down the robot. Here we see that under appropriate conditions friction can actually allow a robot to operate faster. Polar coordinate robots are studied, and a series of maneuvers are treated that allow one to understand the way in which different joint motors help each other to produce minimum time trajectories. |
author = {Hartel, B. and Steinbach, M.C. and Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {The influence of friction on time optimal robot trajectories},
booktitle = {Proc. 35th Annual Allerton Conf. Communication, Control and Computing},
year = {1997},
pages = {817--826}
Hatz, K. |
Estimating Parameters in Optimal Control Problems [BibTeX] |
2008 |
School: University of Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Kathrin Hatz},
title = {Estimating Parameters in Optimal Control Problems},
school = {University of Heidelberg},
year = {2008}
Herdt, A., Diedam, H., Wieber, P.-B., Dimitrov, D., Mombaur, K. & Diehl, M. |
Online Walking Motion Generation with Automatic Footstep Placement [BibTeX] |
2010 |
Advanced Robotics |
article |
author = {A. Herdt and H. Diedam and P.-B. Wieber and D. Dimitrov and K. Mombaur and M. Diehl},
title = {Online Walking Motion Generation with Automatic Footstep Placement},
journal = {Advanced Robotics},
year = {2010},
volume = {24},
number = {5--6},
pages = {719--737(19)}
Hilf, K.-D. |
Optimale Versuchsplanung zur dynamischen Roboterkalibrierung [BibTeX] |
1995 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
author = {Hilf, K.-D.},
title = {Optimale {V}ersuchsplanung zur dynamischen {R}oboterkalibrierung},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {1995}
Hoai, T. |
Solving Large Scale Crew Pairing Problems [BibTeX] |
2005 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
author = {T.V. Hoai},
title = {Solving Large Scale Crew Pairing Problems},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2005}
Hoffmann, C. |
Numerical Methods for the Discrimination of DAE Models with Applications in Enzyme Kinetics [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
2005 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
Abstract: Results from simulation and optimisation are only successfully applicable in reality if the underlying model precisely reflects the behaviour of the regarded process. While it is possible to use parameter estimation methods directly if the predictions of a single model shall be improved, model discrimination strategies have to be applied first if several competing models are available. This work deals with numerical aspects of solution strategies for model discrimination problems. The emphasis is set on an integrative presentation of both essential theory and issues of practical implementation. The success of the described methods is demonstrated in three real-world applications from biochemistry. We treat dynamic processes which can be described by nonlinear implicitly defined regression models on the basis of semi-explicit differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) of index 1. A mathematical formulation of the model discrimination problem for this general class of models is given. To validate and improve the predictions of a single model, parameter estimation strategies are applied leading to nonlinear constrained least squares problems (LSQ). For their solution we apply an efficient generalised Gauss-Newton-Method. We formulate statistical tests basing on the results from parameter estimation which allow to identify unsuitable models out of a set of rival models. Central part of this work is the design of experiments which are most efficient for bringing about a decision with these tests. We introduce theoretical optimality criteria for such designs. A sequential procedure which allows to determine them in practice is described, where special attention is payed to adaptability to real-world dynamic DAE models. This approach leads to constrained nonlinear optimal control problems with a characteristic multiple-setpoint structure. For the discretisation of the optimal control problem we follow a direct multiple shooting approach resulting in a highly structured nonlinear problem (NLP) which is solved by a structure exploiting SQP method. As the dimension of model discrimination problems can grow very large, it is examined how the efficiency of the SQP method can be increased by exploiting the intrinsic sparsity structure induced by the multiple-setpoint property. Importance was attached to incorporate all introduced techniques in the context of established procedures of model finding. |
author = {Hoffmann, C.},
title = {{N}umerical {M}ethods for the {D}iscrimination of {DAE} {M}odels with {A}pplications in {E}nzyme {K}inetics},
school = {{U}niversit\"at {H}eidelberg},
year = {2005}
Hoffmann, C. & Körkel, S. |
The Software Package VPLAN [BibTeX] |
2007 |
manual |
author = {Hoffmann, C. and K\"orkel, S.},
title = {The Software Package {VPLAN}},
year = {2007},
organization = {IWR, University of Heidelberg},
comment = {The development of this document has been stopped while still being under construction. Its content has been transferred to the SimOpt Modeling Wiki and its development is continues there.}
Houska, B. |
Robustness and Stability Optimization of Open-Loop Controlled Power Generating Kites [BibTeX] |
2007 |
School: University of Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {B. Houska},
title = {{R}obustness and {S}tability {O}ptimization of {O}pen-{L}oop {C}ontrolled {P}ower {G}enerating {K}ites},
school = {University of Heidelberg},
year = {2007}
Houska, B. & Diehl, M. |
Optimal Control for Power Generating Kites [BibTeX] |
2007 |
European Control Conference |
inproceedings |
author = {B. Houska and M. Diehl},
title = {{O}ptimal {C}ontrol for {P}ower {G}enerating {K}ites},
booktitle = {European Control Conference},
year = {2007},
note = {(accepted)}
Huber, J. |
Large--scale SQP--methods and cross--over--techniques for Quadratic Programming [BibTeX] |
1998 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Huber, J.},
title = {Large--scale {SQP}--methods and cross--over--techniques for {Q}uadratic {P}rogramming},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {1998}
Huschto, T., Feichtinger, G., Kort, P., Hartl, R., Sager, S. & Seidl, A. |
Numerical Solution of a Conspicuous Consumption Model with Constant Control Delay [BibTeX] |
2011 |
Automatica |
article |
DOI link |
author = {Huschto, T. and Feichtinger, G. and Kort, P.M. and Hartl, R.F. and Sager, S. and Seidl, A.},
title = {Numerical Solution of a Conspicuous Consumption Model with Constant Control Delay},
journal = {Automatica},
year = {2011},
volume = {47},
pages = {1868--1877},
url = {},
doi = {}
Ilzhöfer, A., Houska, B. & Diehl, M. |
Nonlinear MPC of kites under varying wind conditions for a new class of large scale wind power generators [BibTeX] |
2007 |
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear ControlInternational Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control |
article |
author = {Ilzh\"ofer, A. and Houska, B. and Diehl, M.},
title = {{N}onlinear {MPC} of kites under varying wind conditions for a new class of large scale wind power generators},
booktitle = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {R}obust and {N}onlinear {C}ontrol},
journal = {International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control},
year = {2007},
volume = {17},
number = {17},
pages = {1590--1599}
Jacob, N. |
Preprocessing-Methoden für Mehrzielverfahren zur Lösung von Parameterschätzproblemen [BibTeX] |
2001 |
School: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Jacob, N.},
title = {{P}reprocessing-{M}ethoden f\"ur {M}ehrzielverfahren zur {L}\"osung von {P}arametersch\"atzproblemen},
school = {Ruprecht-Karls-Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2001}
Jaksch, J. |
Multiple Setpoint Parameter Optimization of Tractors using Multibody Systems Simulation [BibTeX] |
2008 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Jaksch, J.},
title = {{M}ultiple {S}etpoint {P}arameter {O}ptimization of {T}ractors using {M}ultibody {S}ystems {S}imulation},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2008}
Jaksch, J. |
Parameter Estimation for Satellite Orbits with BAHN [BibTeX] |
2006 |
manual |
author = {Jaksch, J.},
title = {{P}arameter {E}stimation for {S}atellite {O}rbits with {BAHN}},
year = {2006},
organization = {Universit\"{a}t Heidelberg}
Janka, D. |
Optimum Experimental Design and Multiple Shooting [BibTeX] |
2010 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Janka, D.},
title = {Optimum Experimental Design and Multiple Shooting},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2010}
Jung, M., Kirches, C. & Sager, S. |
On Perspective Functions and Vanishing Constraints in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimal Control [BibTeX] |
2012 |
Optimization Online |
article |
author = {M.N. Jung and C. Kirches and S. Sager},
title = {On Perspective Functions and Vanishing Constraints in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimal Control},
journal = {Optimization Online},
year = {2012},
volume = {10},
number = {3624}
Körkel, S. |
Numerische Methoden für Optimale Versuchsplanungsprobleme bei nichtlinearen DAE-Modellen [BibTeX] |
2002 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
link |
author = {K{\"o}rkel, S.},
title = {Numerische {M}ethoden f\"ur Optimale {V}ersuchsplanungsprobleme bei nichtlinearen {DAE}-{M}odellen},
school = {Universit\"at {H}eidelberg},
year = {2002},
address = {Heidelberg},
url = {}
Kühl, P., Diehl, M., Kraus, T., Schlöder, J. & Bock, H. |
A real-time algorithm for moving horizon state and parameter estimation [BibTeX] |
2011 |
Computers & Chemical Engineering |
article |
author = {P. K{\"u}hl and M. Diehl and T. Kraus and J.P. Schl{\"o}der and H.G. Bock},
title = {A real-time algorithm for moving horizon state and parameter estimation},
journal = {Computers \& Chemical Engineering},
year = {2011},
volume = {35},
pages = {71--83}
Kühl, P., Milewska, A., Diehl, M., Molga, E. & Bock, H. |
NMPC for runaway-safe fed-batch reactors [BibTeX] |
2005 |
Proc. Int. Workshop on Assessment and Future Directions of NMPC |
inproceedings |
author = {P. K{\"u}hl and A. Milewska and M. Diehl and E. Molga and H.G. Bock},
title = {{NMPC} for runaway-safe fed-batch reactors},
booktitle = {Proc. Int. Workshop on Assessment and Future Directions of NMPC},
year = {2005},
pages = {467--474}
Kühl, P. & Schultze, H. |
Simulation study: Robust optimization of a fermentation process. [BibTeX] |
2006 |
techreport |
author = {P. K{\"u}hl and H. Schultze},
title = {Simulation study: {R}obust optimization of a fermentation process.},
year = {2006}
Körkel, S., Bauer, I., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
A Sequential Approach for Nonlinear Optimum Experimental Design in DAE Systems [BibTeX] |
1999 |
Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II |
incollection |
author = {K\"{o}rkel, S. and Bauer, I. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {A Sequential Approach for Nonlinear Optimum Experimental Design in DAE Systems},
booktitle = {Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II},
publisher = {{S}pringer},
year = {1999},
pages = {338--345}
König, R., Schramm, G., Oswald, M., Seitz, H., Sager, S., Zapatka, M., Reinelt, G. & Eils, R. |
Discovering functional gene expression patterns in the metabolic network of Escherichia coli with wavelets transforms [BibTeX] |
2006 |
BMC Bioinformatics |
article |
link |
author = {R. K\"onig and G. Schramm and M. Oswald and H. Seitz and S. Sager and M. Zapatka and G. Reinelt and R. Eils},
title = {Discovering functional gene expression patterns in the metabolic network of Escherichia coli with wavelets transforms},
journal = {BMC Bioinformatics},
year = {2006},
volume = {7},
pages = {119},
url = {}
Körkel, S. |
Parameter Estimation and Optimum Experimental Design for Dynamic Processes [BibTeX] |
2007 |
unpublished |
author = {K\"orkel, S.},
title = {Parameter Estimation and Optimum Experimental Design for Dynamic Processes},
year = {2007},
note = {Presentation given at the {OPTEX} workshop, Oct 8, 2007, Leuven.}
Körkel, S. |
Der Lift & Project-Schnittebenenalgorithmus für gemischt-ganzzahlige 0/1-Optimierungsaufgaben [BibTeX] |
1995 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {S. K\"orkel},
title = {Der Lift \& Project-Schnittebenenalgorithmus f\"ur gemischt-ganzzahlige 0/1-Optimierungsaufgaben},
school = {Universit\"at {H}eidelberg},
year = {1995}
Körkel, S. & Kostina, E. |
Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Experimental Design [BibTeX] |
2004 |
Optimization Methods and SoftwareModelling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes, Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing |
inproceedings |
author = {S. K\"orkel and E. Kostina},
title = {Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Experimental Design},
booktitle = {Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes, Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing},
journal = {Optimization Methods and Software},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2004},
editor = {Hans Georg Bock and E. Kostina and H. X. Phu and R. Rannacher},
pages = {255--272},
address = {Hanoi, Vietnam}
Körkel, S., Kostina, E., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Numerical Methods for Optimal Control Problems in Design of Robust Optimal Experiments for Nonlinear Dynamic Processes [BibTeX] |
2004 |
Optimization Methods and Software |
article |
author = {S. K\"orkel and E. Kostina and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Numerical Methods for Optimal Control Problems in Design of Robust Optimal Experiments for Nonlinear Dynamic Processes},
journal = {Optimization Methods and Software},
year = {2004},
volume = {19},
pages = {327--338}
Kühl, P. |
Evaluation of Aspentech's APOLLO Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller [BibTeX] |
2003 |
techreport |
author = {P. K\"uhl},
title = {Evaluation of {A}spentech's {APOLLO} Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller},
year = {2003}
Kallrath, J., Altstädt, V., Schlöder, J. & Bock, H. |
Analysis of Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour in Polymers and their Composites based on Ordinary Differential Equation Parameter Estimations [BibTeX] |
1999 |
Polymer Testing |
article |
author = {Kallrath, J. and Altst\"{a}dt, V. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and Bock, H.G.},
title = {Analysis of Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour in Polymers and their Composites based on Ordinary Differential Equation Parameter Estimations},
journal = {Polymer Testing},
year = {1999},
volume = {18},
pages = {11--35}
Kallrath, J., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Least Squares Parameter Estimation in Chaotic Differential Equations [BibTeX] |
1993 |
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy |
article |
author = {Kallrath, J. and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Least Squares Parameter Estimation in Chaotic Differential Equations},
journal = {Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy},
year = {1993},
volume = {56},
pages = {353--371}
Kallrath, J., Dvorak, R. & Schlöder, J. |
Periodic Orbits in the Sitnikov Problem [BibTeX] |
1987 |
The Dynamical Behaviour of our Planetary System |
incollection |
author = {J. Kallrath and R. Dvorak and J. Schl\"{o}der},
title = {Periodic Orbits in the {S}itnikov Problem},
booktitle = {The Dynamical Behaviour of our Planetary System},
publisher = {{K}luwer},
year = {1987},
editor = {R. Dvorak and J. Henrard},
pages = {415--428}
Kehrle, F. |
Optimal Control of Vehicles in Driving Simulators [BibTeX] |
2010 |
School: Ruprecht--Karls--Unversität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
link |
author = {F. Kehrle},
title = {Optimal Control of Vehicles in Driving Simulators},
school = {Ruprecht--Karls--Unversit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2010},
url = {}
Kehrle, F., Frasch, J., Kirches, C. & Sager, S. |
Optimal control of Formula 1 race cars in a VDrift based virtual environment [BibTeX] |
2011 |
Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress |
inproceedings |
DOI link |
author = {Kehrle, F. and Frasch, J.V. and Kirches, C. and Sager, S.},
title = {Optimal control of Formula 1 race cars in a {VDrift} based virtual environment},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th {IFAC} {W}orld {C}ongress},
year = {2011},
editor = {S. Bittanti and A. Cenedese and S. Zampieri},
pages = {11907--11912},
address = {Milan, Italy},
url = {},
doi = {}
Kirches, C. |
Fast Numerical Methods for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Model-Predictive Control [BibTeX] |
2011 |
Publisher: Springer Vieweg |
book |
link |
author = {C. Kirches},
title = {Fast Numerical Methods for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Model-Predictive Control},
publisher = {Springer Vieweg},
year = {2011},
editor = {H.G. Bock and W. Hackbusch and M. Luskin and R. Rannacher},
series = {Advances in Numerical Mathematics},
address = {Wiesbaden},
note = {ISBN 978-3-8348-1572-9},
url = {}
Kirches, C. |
Fast numerical methods for mixed-integer nonlinear model-predictive control [BibTeX] |
2010 |
School: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
link |
author = {C. Kirches},
title = {Fast numerical methods for mixed-integer nonlinear model-predictive control},
school = {Ruprecht-Karls-Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2010},
note = {Available at},
url = {}
Kirches, C. |
A Numerical Method for Nonlinear Robust Optimal Control with Implicit Discontinuities and an Application to Powertrain Oscillations [BibTeX] |
2006 |
School: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
link |
author = {C. Kirches},
title = {A Numerical Method for Nonlinear Robust Optimal Control with Implicit Discontinuities and an Application to Powertrain Oscillations},
school = {Ruprecht-Karls-Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2006},
url = {}
Kirches, C., Bock, H. & Leyffer, S. |
Modeling Mixed-Integer Constrained Optimal Control Problems in AMPL [BibTeX] |
2012 |
Proceedings of MATHMOD 2012, Vienna, February 15--17, 2012 |
inproceedings |
author = {C. Kirches and H.G. Bock and S. Leyffer},
title = {{M}odeling {M}ixed-{I}nteger {C}onstrained {O}ptimal {C}ontrol {P}roblems in {AMPL}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of {MATHMOD} 2012, Vienna, February 15--17, 2012},
year = {2012},
editor = {F. Breitenecker and I. Troch},
note = {ARGESIM Report No. S38}
Kirches, C., Bock, H., Schlöder, J. & Sager, S. |
Complementary Condensing for the Direct Multiple Shooting Method [BibTeX] |
2012 |
Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Complex Processes. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, March 2-6, 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam |
inproceedings |
link |
author = {C. Kirches and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"{o}der and S. Sager},
title = {Complementary Condensing for the Direct Multiple Shooting Method},
booktitle = {Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Complex Processes. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, March 2-6, 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
year = {2012},
editor = {H.G. Bock and H.X. Phu and R. Rannacher and J.P. Schl\"{o}der},
pages = {195--206},
address = {Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York},
url = {}
Kirches, C., Bock, H., Schlöder, J. & Sager, S. |
Block Structured Quadratic Programming for the Direct Multiple Shooting Method for Optimal Control [BibTeX] |
2011 |
Optimization Methods and Software |
article |
DOI link |
author = {C. Kirches and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"{o}der and S. Sager},
title = {Block Structured Quadratic Programming for the Direct Multiple Shooting Method for Optimal Control},
journal = {Optimization Methods and Software},
year = {2011},
volume = {26},
number = {2},
pages = {239--257},
url = {},
doi = {}
Kirches, C., Bock, H., Schlöder, J. & Sager, S. |
Mixed-integer NMPC for predictive cruise control of heavy-duty trucks [BibTeX] |
2013 |
European Control Conference |
inproceedings |
author = {C. Kirches and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder and S. Sager},
title = {Mixed-integer NMPC for predictive cruise control of heavy-duty trucks},
booktitle = {European Control Conference},
year = {2013},
pages = {4118--4123},
address = {Zurich, Switzerland}
Kirches, C., Bock, H., Schlöder, J. & Sager, S. |
A Factorization with Update Procedures for a KKT Matrix Arising in Direct Optimal Control [BibTeX] |
2011 |
Mathematical Programming Computation |
article |
author = {C. Kirches and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder and S. Sager},
title = {A Factorization with Update Procedures for a {KKT} Matrix Arising in Direct Optimal Control},
journal = {Mathematical Programming Computation},
year = {2011},
volume = {3},
number = {4},
pages = {319--348},
doi = {}
Kirches, C. & Leyffer, S. |
TACO -- A Toolkit for AMPL Control Optimization [BibTeX] |
2013 |
Mathematical Programming Computation |
article |
DOI link |
author = {C. Kirches and S. Leyffer},
title = {TACO -- A Toolkit for {AMPL} Control Optimization},
journal = {Mathematical Programming Computation},
year = {2013},
volume = {5},
number = {2},
pages = {227--265},
url = {},
doi = {}
Kirches, C., Potschka, A., Bock, H. & Sager, S. |
A Parametric Active Set Method for a Subclass of Quadratic Programs with Vanishing Constraints [BibTeX] |
2012 |
Pacific Journal of Optimization |
article |
author = {Kirches, C. and Potschka, A. and Bock, H.G. and Sager, S.},
title = {A Parametric Active Set Method for a Subclass of Quadratic Programs with Vanishing Constraints},
journal = {Pacific Journal of Optimization},
year = {2012},
address = {Im Neuenheimer Feld 368, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany},
note = {(accepted)}
Kirches, C., Sager, S., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Time-optimal control of automobile test drives with gear shifts [BibTeX] |
2010 |
Optimal Control Applications and Methods |
article |
link |
author = {C. Kirches and S. Sager and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Time-optimal control of automobile test drives with gear shifts},
journal = {Optimal Control Applications and Methods},
year = {2010},
volume = {31},
number = {2},
pages = {137--153},
url = {}
Kirches, C., Wirsching, L., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Efficient Direct Multiple Shooting for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control on Long Horizons [BibTeX] |
2012 |
Journal of Process Control |
article |
author = {Kirches, C. and Wirsching, L. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Efficient Direct Multiple Shooting for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control on Long Horizons},
journal = {Journal of Process Control},
year = {2012},
volume = {22},
number = {3},
pages = {540--550}
Koch, J. |
Untersuchung von Filter-basierten Globalisierungsstrategien in einem direkten Mehrzielverfahren zur Berechnung optimaler Steuerungen [BibTeX] |
2011 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Koch, J.},
title = {{U}ntersuchung von {F}ilter-basierten {G}lobalisierungsstrategien in einem direkten {M}ehrzielverfahren zur {B}erechnung optimaler {S}teuerungen},
school = {Universit\"{a}t Heidelberg},
year = {2011}
Konzelmann, J., Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
Time Optimal Trajectories of Polar Robot Manipulators by Direct Methods [BibTeX] |
1989 |
Modeling and Simulation, Instrument Society of America |
article |
author = {J. Konzelmann and H.G. Bock and R.W. Longman},
title = {Time Optimal Trajectories of Polar Robot Manipulators by Direct Methods},
journal = {Modeling and Simulation, Instrument Society of America},
year = {1989},
volume = {20},
number = {5},
pages = {1933--1939}
Konzelmann, J., Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
Time Optimal Trajectories of Elbow Robots by Direct Methods [BibTeX] |
1989 |
Proceedings of 1989 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Part 2 |
inproceedings |
author = {Konzelmann, J. and Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Time Optimal Trajectories of Elbow Robots by Direct Methods},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 1989 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Part 2},
year = {1989},
pages = {895--910},
address = {Boston}
Korb, W., Bock, H., Schlegel, W. & Schlöder, J. |
Algebraic solution of inverse kinematics revisited [BibTeX] |
2002 |
Advances in Robot Kinematics. Theory and Applications. |
inproceedings |
author = {Korb, W. and Bock, H.G. and Schlegel, W. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {Algebraic solution of inverse kinematics revisited},
booktitle = {Advances in Robot Kinematics. Theory and Applications.},
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
year = {2002}
Kostina, E. |
The Long Step Rule in the Bounded-Variable Dual Simplex Method: Numerical Experiments [BibTeX] |
2000 |
techreport |
author = {Kostina, E.A.},
title = {The Long Step Rule in the Bounded-Variable Dual Simplex Method: Numerical Experiments},
year = {2000},
number = {28}
Krämer-Eis, P., Bock, H., Longman, R. & Schlöder, J. |
Numerical Determination of Optimal Feedback Control in Nonlinear Problems with State/Control Constraints [BibTeX] |
2000 |
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences |
article |
author = {Kr\"{a}mer-Eis, P.M. and Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {Numerical Determination of Optimal Feedback Control in Nonlinear Problems with State/Control Constraints},
journal = {Advances in the Astronautical Sciences},
year = {2000},
volume = {105},
pages = {53--71}
Krämer-Eis, P. |
Ein Mehrzielverfahren zur numerischen Berechnung optimaler Feedback--Steuerungen bei beschränkten nichtlinearen Steuerungsproblemen [BibTeX] |
1985 |
Publisher: Universität Bonn |
book |
author = {Kr\"amer-Eis, P.},
title = {Ein {M}ehrzielverfahren zur numerischen {B}erechnung optimaler {F}eedback--{S}teuerungen bei beschr\"ankten nichtlinearen {S}teuerungsproblemen},
publisher = {Universit\"at Bonn},
year = {1985},
volume = {166},
series = {Bonner Mathematische Schriften},
address = {Bonn}
Krämer-Eis, P. |
Ein Mehrzielverfahren zur numerischen Berechnung optimaler Feedback-Steuerungen bei beschränkten nichtlinearen Problemen [BibTeX] |
1985 |
School: Universität Bonn |
phdthesis |
author = {Kr\"amer-Eis, P.},
title = {Ein {M}ehrzielverfahren zur numerischen {B}erechnung optimaler {F}eedback-{S}teuerungen bei beschr\"ankten nichtlinearen {P}roblemen},
school = {Universit\"at Bonn},
year = {1985},
address = {Bonn}
Krämer-Eis, P. & Bock, H. |
Numerical Treatment of State and Control Constraints in the Computation of Feedback Laws for Nonlinear Control Problems [BibTeX] |
1987 |
Large Scale Scientific Computing |
incollection |
author = {Kr\"amer-Eis, P. and Bock, H.G.},
title = {Numerical Treatment of State and Control Constraints in the Computation of Feedback Laws for Nonlinear Control Problems},
booktitle = {Large Scale Scientific Computing},
publisher = {Birkh\"auser},
year = {1987},
editor = {P. Deuflhard et al.},
pages = {287--306},
address = {Basel Boston Berlin}
Kraus, C., Bock, H. & Winckler, M. |
Modeling Mechanical DAE Using Natural Coordinates [BibTeX] |
2000 |
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems |
article |
author = {Kraus,C. and Bock, H.G. and Winckler, M.},
title = {Modeling Mechanical DAE Using Natural Coordinates},
journal = {Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems},
year = {2000},
volume = {7},
pages = {145 -- 158}
Kraus, T. |
Real-Time State And Parameter Estimation for NMPC-Based Feedback Control With Application To The Tennessee Eastman Benchmark Process [BibTeX] |
2007 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Tom Kraus},
title = {Real-Time State And Parameter Estimation for {NMPC}-Based Feedback Control With Application To The {T}ennessee {E}astman Benchmark Process},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2007}
Kraus, T., Kühl, P., Wirsching, L., Bock, H. & Diehl, M. |
A Moving Horizon State Estimation algorithm applied to the Tennessee Eastman benchmark process [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Proc. of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems |
inproceedings |
author = {T. Kraus and P. K\"uhl and L. Wirsching and H.G. Bock and M. Diehl},
title = {A {M}oving {H}orizon {S}tate {E}stimation algorithm applied to the {T}ennessee {E}astman benchmark process},
booktitle = {Proc. of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems},
year = {2006}
Löffler, T. & Bock, H. |
Implicit and explicit BDF algorithms with order higher than 6 and 2, respectively [BibTeX] |
1998 |
techreport |
author = {L\"{o}ffler, T.J. and Bock, H.G.},
title = {Implicit and explicit BDF algorithms with order higher than 6 and 2, respectively},
year = {1998},
number = {1998-44}
Lang, R. |
Heuristiken für ganzzahlige Optimierungsprobleme: Branch & Bound und Branch & Cut [BibTeX] |
1998 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Lang, R.},
title = {Heuristiken f\"ur ganzzahlige {O}ptimierungsprobleme: {B}ranch \& {B}ound und {B}ranch \& {C}ut},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {1998}
Lauer, S. |
SQP--Methoden zur Behandlung von Problemen mit indefiniter reduzierter Hesse--Matrix [BibTeX] |
2010 |
School: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Lauer, S.},
title = {{SQP}--{M}ethoden zur {B}ehandlung von {P}roblemen mit indefiniter reduzierter {H}esse--{M}atrix},
school = {Ruprecht-Karls-Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2010}
Lebiedz, D. & Brandt-Pollmann, U. |
Manipulation of surface reaction dynamics by global pressure and local temperature control - a model study [BibTeX] |
2004 |
Physical Review E |
article |
author = {Lebiedz, D. and Brandt-Pollmann, U.},
title = {Manipulation of surface reaction dynamics by global pressure and local temperature control - a model study},
journal = {Physical {R}eview {E}},
year = {2004},
volume = {70},
pages = {051609}
Lebiedz, D. & Brandt-Pollmann, U. |
Manipulation of Self-Aggregation Patterns and Waves in a Reaction-Diffusion System by Optimal Boundary Control Strategies [BibTeX] |
2003 |
Physical Review Letters |
article |
author = {Lebiedz, D. and Brandt-Pollmann, U.},
title = {Manipulation of {S}elf-{A}ggregation {P}atterns and {W}aves in a {R}eaction-{D}iffusion {S}ystem by {O}ptimal {B}oundary {C}ontrol {S}trategies},
journal = {Physical Review Letters},
year = {2003},
volume = {91},
number = {20},
pages = {208301}
Lebiedz, D., Sager, S., Bock, H. & Lebiedz, P. |
Annihilation of limit cycle oscillations by identification of critical phase resetting stimuli via mixed-integer optimal control methods [BibTeX] |
2005 |
Physical Review Letters |
article |
author = {Lebiedz, D. and Sager, S. and Bock, H.G. and Lebiedz, P.},
title = {Annihilation of limit cycle oscillations by identification of critical phase resetting stimuli via mixed-integer optimal control methods},
journal = {Physical Review Letters},
year = {2005},
volume = {95},
pages = {108303}
Lebiedz, D., Sager, S., Shaik, O. & Slaby, O. |
Optimal control of self-organized dynamics in cellular signal transduction [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Proceedings of the 5th MATHMOD conference |
inproceedings |
author = {D. Lebiedz and S. Sager and O.S. Shaik and O. Slaby},
title = {Optimal control of self-organized dynamics in cellular signal transduction},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th {MATHMOD} conference},
year = {2006},
series = {{ARGESIM}-Reports, {ISBN} 3-901608-25-7},
address = {Vienna}
Leichsenring, I. |
Numerische Behandlung von Parameterschätzproblem mit Mehrfachexperiment-Struktur in der Pharmakokinetik [BibTeX] |
1995 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Leichsenring, I.},
title = {{N}umerische {B}ehandlung von {P}arametersch\"{a}tzproblem mit {M}ehrfachexperiment-{S}truktur in der {P}harmakokinetik},
school = {Universit\"{a}t Heidelberg},
year = {1995}
Leineweber, D. |
Efficient reduced SQP methods for the optimization of chemical processes described by large sparse DAE models [BibTeX] |
1999 |
Publisher: VDI Verlag |
book |
author = {Leineweber, D.B.},
title = {Efficient reduced {SQP} methods for the optimization of chemical processes described by large sparse {DAE} models},
publisher = {VDI Verlag},
year = {1999},
volume = {613},
series = {Fortschritt-Berichte VDI Reihe 3, Verfahrens\-technik},
address = {D\"usseldorf}
Leineweber, D. |
The theory of MUSCOD in a nutshell [BibTeX] |
1996 |
techreport |
author = {Leineweber, D.B.},
title = {The theory of {MUSCOD} in a nutshell},
year = {1996},
number = {96-19}
Leineweber, D. |
Analyse und Restrukturierung eines Verfahrens zur direkten Lösung von Optimal-Steuerungsproblemen [BibTeX] |
1995 |
School: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Leineweber, D.B.},
title = {{A}nalyse und {R}estrukturierung eines {V}erfahrens zur direkten {L}\"osung von {O}ptimal-{S}teuerungsproblemen},
school = {Ruprecht-Karls-Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {1995}
Leineweber, D., Bauer, I., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
An Efficient Multiple Shooting Based Reduced SQP Strategy for Large-Scale Dynamic Process Optimization. Part I: Theoretical Aspects [BibTeX] |
2003 |
Computers & Chemical Engineering |
article |
author = {D.B. Leineweber and I. Bauer and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {An Efficient Multiple Shooting Based Reduced {SQP} Strategy for Large-Scale Dynamic Process Optimization. {P}art {I}: Theoretical Aspects},
journal = {Computers \& Chemical Engineering},
year = {2003},
volume = {27},
pages = {157--166}
Leineweber, D., Bauer, I., Schäfer, A., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
An Efficient Multiple Shooting Based Reduced SQP Strategy for Large-Scale Dynamic Process Optimization (Parts I and II) [BibTeX] |
2003 |
Computers & Chemical Engineering |
article |
author = {D.B. Leineweber and I. Bauer and A.A.S. Sch\"afer and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {An Efficient Multiple Shooting Based Reduced {SQP} Strategy for Large-Scale Dynamic Process Optimization ({Parts I and II})},
journal = {Computers \& Chemical Engineering},
year = {2003},
volume = {27},
pages = {157--174}
Leineweber, D., Bock, H., Schlöder, J., Gallitzendörfer, J., Schäfer, A. & Jansohn, P. |
A boundary value problem approach to the optimization of chemical processes described by DAE models [BibTeX] |
1997 |
techreport |
author = {Leineweber, D.B. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and Gallitzend\"{o}rfer, J.V. and Sch\"{a}fer, A. and Jansohn, P.},
title = {A boundary value problem approach to the optimization of chemical processes described by {DAE} models},
year = {1997}
Leineweber, D., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Fast direct methods for real-time optimization of chemical processes [BibTeX] |
1997 |
Proc. 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics Berlin |
inproceedings |
author = {Leineweber, D.B. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Fast direct me\-thods for real-time optimization of chemical processes},
booktitle = {Proc. 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics Berlin},
publisher = {Wissenschaft- und {T}echnik-Verlag},
year = {1997},
address = {Berlin}
Leineweber, D., Bock, H., Schlöder, J., Schäfer, A. & Jansohn, P. |
Efficient Techniques for the Optimization of Complex Chemical Processes [BibTeX] |
1996 |
Modelling of Chemical Reaction Systems |
inproceedings |
author = {D.B. Leineweber and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder and A.S.S. Sch\"afer and P. Jansohn},
title = {{E}fficient {T}echniques for the {O}ptimization of {C}omplex {C}hemical {P}rocesses},
booktitle = {Modelling of Chemical Reaction Systems},
publisher = {IWR, Heidelberg},
year = {1996},
editor = {J. Warnatz and F. Behrendt}
Leineweber, D. & Jost, J. |
LIBLAC -- structured data types and basic operations for numerical linear algebra in an ANSI C/Fortran 77 environment. [BibTeX] |
1996 |
techreport |
author = {D.B. Leineweber and J.A. Jost},
title = {LIBLAC -- structured data types and basic operations for numerical linear algebra in an ANSI C/Fortran 77 environment.},
year = {1996},
number = {96-56},
address = {Heidelberg}
Leineweber, D., Schäfer, A., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
An Efficient Multiple Shooting Based Reduced SQP Strategy for Large-Scale Dynamic Process Optimization. Part II: Software Aspects and Applications [BibTeX] |
2003 |
Computers & Chemical Engineering |
article |
author = {D.B. Leineweber and A.A.S. Sch\"afer and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {An Efficient Multiple Shooting Based Reduced {SQP} Strategy for Large-Scale Dynamic Process Optimization. {P}art {II}: Software Aspects and Applications},
journal = {Computers \& Chemical Engineering},
year = {2003},
volume = {27},
pages = {167--174}
Lenz, S. |
Solution of Parameter Estimation Problems with the Direct Multiple Shooting Method in Discontinuous Models [BibTeX] |
2008 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Lenz, S.},
title = {{S}olution of {P}arameter {E}stimation {P}roblems with the {D}irect {M}ultiple {S}hooting {M}ethod in {D}iscontinuous {M}odels},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2008}
Logist, F., Sager, S., Kirches, C. & van Impe, J. |
Efficient multiple objective optimal control of dynamic systems with integer controls [BibTeX] |
2010 |
Journal of Process Control |
article |
author = {F. Logist and S. Sager and C. Kirches and J.F. van Impe},
title = {Efficient multiple objective optimal control of dynamic systems with integer controls},
journal = {{J}ournal of {P}rocess {C}ontrol},
year = {2010},
volume = {20},
number = {7},
pages = {810--822},
doi = {}
Lohmann, T. |
Ein numerisches Verfahren zur Berechnung optimaler Versuchspläne für beschränkte Parameteridentifizierungsprobleme [BibTeX] |
1992 |
School: Universität Augsburg |
phdthesis |
author = {T. Lohmann},
title = {{E}in numerisches {V}erfahren zur {B}erechnung optimaler {V}ersuchspl\"ane f\"ur beschr\"ankte {P}arameteridentifizierungsprobleme},
school = {Universit\"at Augsburg},
year = {1992}
Lohmann, T. & Bock, H. |
A Computationally Convenient Statistical Analysis of the Solution of Constrained Least-Squares Problems [BibTeX] |
1996 |
techreport |
author = {Lohmann, T. and Bock, H.G.},
title = {A Computationally Convenient Statistical Analysis of the Solution of Constrained Least-Squares Problems},
year = {1996},
number = {TUM-M9601},
address = {M\"{u}nchen}
Lohmann, T., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Numerical methods for parameter estimation and optimal experimental design in chemical reaction systems [BibTeX] |
1992 |
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research |
article |
author = {T. Lohmann and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Numerical methods for parameter estimation and optimal experimental design in chemical reaction systems},
journal = {Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research},
year = {1992},
volume = {31},
pages = {54--57}
Longman, R., Bock, H. & Schulz, V. |
Path planning for satellite mounted robots [BibTeX] |
1996 |
Dynamics and control of structures in space III |
inproceedings |
author = {Longman, R.W. and Bock, H.G. and Schulz, V.H.},
title = {Path planning for satellite mounted robots},
booktitle = {Dynamics and control of structures in space III},
year = {1996},
editor = {Kirk, C.L. and Inman, D.J.},
pages = {17--32},
address = {Southampton, Boston}
Longman, R., Li, J., Steinbach, M. & Bock, H. |
Issues in the Implementation of Time Optimal Path Planning [BibTeX] |
1997 |
Proc. Symp. Nonlinear Dynamics, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting |
inproceedings |
author = {Longman, R.W. and Li, J. and Steinbach, M.C. and Bock, H.G.},
title = {Issues in the Implementation of Time Optimal Path Planning},
booktitle = {Proc. Symp. Nonlinear Dynamics, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting},
year = {1997},
address = {Reno, Nevada}
Longman, R. & Mombaur, K. |
Investigating the Use of Iterative Learning Control and Repetitive Control to Implement Periodic Gaits [BibTeX] |
2008 |
Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics |
inproceedings |
author = {R.W. Longman and K.D. Mombaur},
title = {Investigating the Use of Iterative Learning Control and Repetitive Control to Implement Periodic Gaits},
booktitle = {Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2008}
Mössner-Beigel, M., Steinbach, M., Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
Time optimal path planning in polar robots with joint flexibility [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
1998 |
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences |
article |
Abstract: This paper studies the nature of time optimal paths for robots with flexible joints, such as are introduced by harmonic drives. Such flexibility is an important limiting factor in the speed of operation of robots. Overcoming this limitation can allow high speed operation in manufacturing operations, and result in increased productivity. It is shown that in some conditions, flexibility in the joints can actually allow for faster robot maneuvers. Also, the flexible robot problem appears to have more local minimum solutions, making it more difficult to feel assured that one knows the global solution. The times required to obtain the time optimal trajectories in this paper are in the range of one minute on a work station, so that path planning by time optimal control is approaching the stage where it can be incorporated into routine robot operations. |
author = {M\"{o}ssner-Beigel, M. and Steinbach, M.C. and Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Time optimal path planning in polar robots with joint flexibility},
journal = {Advances in the Astronautical Sciences},
year = {1998},
volume = {97},
pages = {1801--1820}
Mehler, P. |
Modellierung und numerische Lösung von Bahnbestimmungsproblemen bei Satelliten [BibTeX] |
2002 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Mehler, P.},
title = {Modellierung und numerische {L}\"osung von {B}ahnbestimmungsproblemen bei {S}atelliten},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2002}
Minh, H., Bock, H., Phu, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Fast Numerical Methods for Simulation of Chemically Reacting Flows in Catalytic Monoliths [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes |
inproceedings |
DOI link |
Abstract: Chemically reacting flows in catalytic monoliths are investigated. The fluid dynamics are modelled by the boundary layer equations (BLEs), which are a large system of parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs) with highly nonlinear boundary conditions arising from the coupling of surface processes with the flow field inside the channel. The BLEs are obtained by simplifying the comprehensive model described by the Navier-Stokes equations and applying the boundary approximation theory. The surface and gas-phase chemical reactions are described by detailed models. The PDEs are semi-discretized using the method of lines leading to a structured system of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs). The DAEs are solved by an implicit method, based on the backward differentiation formulas (BDF). Solution of DAEs by BDF methods requires the partial derivatives of the DAE model functions with respect to the state variables. By exploiting the structure of the DAEs, we develop efficient methods for computation of the partial derivatives in the framework of automatic differentiation and of finite differences. Applying these methods, we obtain a significant improvement in computing time. Moreover, the results also show that for the solution of our DAE systems the computation of the derivatives by automatic differentiation always outperforms the computation of derivatives by finite differences. Numerical results for a practical application of catalytic oxidation of methane with a complex reaction mechanism are presented. |
author = {Minh, H.D. and Bock, H.G. and Phu, H.X. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Fast Numerical Methods for Simulation of Chemically Reacting Flows in Catalytic Monoliths},
booktitle = {Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes},
publisher = {{S}pringer},
year = {2006},
editor = {Bock, H.G. and Kostina, E. and Phu, H. X. and Rannacher, R.},
series = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing},
pages = {371--380},
note = {ISBN: 978-3-540-79408-0},
url = {},
doi = {}
Minh, H., Bock, H., S.Tischer & Deutschmann, O. |
Optimization of Two-Dimensional Flows with Homogeneous and Heterogeneously Catalyzed Gas-Phase Reactions [BibTeX] |
2008 |
AIChE Journal |
article |
author = {H.D. Minh and H.G. Bock and S.Tischer and O. Deutschmann},
title = {Optimization of Two-Dimensional Flows with Homogeneous and Heterogeneously Catalyzed Gas-Phase Reactions},
journal = {AIChE Journal},
year = {2008},
volume = {54},
pages = {2432--2440},
note = {(accepted)}
Minh, H., Bock, H., Tischer, S. & Deutschmann, O. |
Fast solution for large-scale for large-scale 2-D convection-diffusion, reacting flows [BibTeX] |
2008 |
Computational Science and its Applications - ICCSA 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 507 |
inproceedings |
author = {H.D. Minh and H.G. Bock and S. Tischer and O. Deutschmann},
title = {Fast solution for large-scale for large-scale {2-D} convection-diffusion, reacting flows},
booktitle = {Computational Science and its Applications - ICCSA 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 507},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2008},
editor = {Gervasi, Murgante},
pages = {1121--1130}
Minh, H. D. |
Numerical Methods for Simulation and Optimization of Chemically Reacting Flows in Catalytic Monoliths [BibTeX] |
2005 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
author = {Hoang Duc Minh},
title = {Numerical Methods for Simulation and Optimization of Chemically Reacting Flows in Catalytic Monoliths},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2005}
Moessner-Beigel, M. |
Optimale Steuerung für Industrieroboter unter Berücksichtigung der getriebebedingten Elastizität [BibTeX] |
1995 |
School: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {M. Moessner-Beigel},
title = {Optimale {S}teuerung f\"ur {I}ndustrieroboter unter {B}er\"ucksichtigung der getriebebedingten {E}lastizit\"at},
school = {Ruprecht-Karls-Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {1995},
address = {Im Neuenheimer Feld 368, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany}
Mombaur, K. |
Using optimization to create self-stable human-like running [BibTeX] |
2009 |
Robotica |
article |
DOI link |
author = {Mombaur,Katja},
title = {Using optimization to create self-stable human-like running},
journal = {Robotica},
year = {2009},
volume = {27},
number = {03},
pages = {321--330},
url = {},
doi = {}
Mombaur, K. |
Performing Open-loop Stable Flip-Flops - An Example for Stability Optimization and Robustness Analysis of Fast Periodic Motions [BibTeX] |
2008 |
Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics |
inproceedings |
author = {K.D. Mombaur},
title = {Performing Open-loop Stable Flip-Flops - An Example for Stability Optimization and Robustness Analysis of Fast Periodic Motions},
booktitle = {Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2008}
Mombaur, K. |
Stability Optimization of Open-loop Controlled Walking Robots [BibTeX] |
2001 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
link |
author = {Mombaur, K.D.},
title = {Stability Optimization of Open-loop Controlled Walking Robots},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2001},
url = {}
Mombaur, K., Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
Stable, unstable and chaotic motions of bipedal walking robots without feedback [BibTeX] |
2000 |
Proc. of 2nd Intern. Conf. on Control of Oscillations and Chaos, St. Petersburg |
inproceedings |
author = {Mombaur, K.D. and Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Stable, unstable and chaotic motions of bipedal walking robots without feedback},
booktitle = {Proc. of 2nd Intern. Conf. on Control of Oscillations and Chaos, St. Petersburg},
year = {2000},
editor = {Chernousko, L. and Fradkow, A.L.},
volume = {2},
pages = {282--285}
Mombaur, K., Bock, H., Longman, R. & Schlöder, J. |
Stable one-legged hopping without feedback and with a point foot [BibTeX] |
2002 |
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation |
inproceedings |
author = {Mombaur, K.D. and Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {Stable one-legged hopping without feedback and with a point foot},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation},
year = {2002}
Mombaur, K., Bock, H., Longman, R. & Schlöder, J. |
Human-like Actuated Walking that is Asymptotically Stable Without Feedback [BibTeX] |
2001 |
Proc. International Conference on Robotics and Automation |
inproceedings |
author = {Mombaur, K. and Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {Human-like Actuated Walking that is Asymptotically Stable Without Feedback},
booktitle = {Proc. International Conference on Robotics and Automation},
year = {2001}
Mombaur, K., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Numerical generation and stabilization of periodic gaits [BibTeX] |
2000 |
techreport |
author = {Mombaur, K.D. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {Numerical generation and stabilization of periodic gaits},
year = {2000}
Mombaur, K., Bock, H., Schlöder, J. & Longman, R. |
Open Loop Stability - a New Paradigm for Periodic Optimal Control and Analysis of Walking Mechanisms [BibTeX] |
2004 |
In: Proc. of the IEEE Robotics, Automation, and Mechatronics Conference, Singapore |
inproceedings |
author = {Mombaur, K.D. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Open Loop Stability - a New Paradigm for Periodic Optimal Control and Analysis of Walking Mechanisms},
booktitle = {In: Proc. of the {IEEE} Robotics, Automation, and Mechatronics Conference, Singapore},
year = {2004}
Mombaur, K., Bock, H., Schlöder, J. & Longman, R. |
Stable Walking and Running Robots Without Feedback [BibTeX] |
2004 |
In: Proc. of CLAWAR 04, Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, Madrid |
inproceedings |
author = {Mombaur, K.D. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Stable Walking and Running Robots Without Feedback},
booktitle = {In: Proc. of {CLAWAR} 04, Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, Madrid},
year = {2004}
Mombaur, K., Bock, H., Schlöder, J., Winckler, M. & Longman, R. |
Open-loop Stable Control of Running Robots - A Numerical Method for Studying Stability in the Context of Optimal Control Problems [BibTeX] |
1999 |
Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on Mobile, Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR) |
inproceedings |
author = {Mombaur, K.D. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and Winckler, M.J. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Open-loop Stable Control of Running Robots - A Numerical Method for Studying Stability in the Context of Optimal Control Problems},
booktitle = {Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on Mobile, Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR)},
year = {1999},
editor = {Y. Baudoin et al.},
pages = {89--94}
Mombaur, K., Bock, H., Schlöder, J. & Longman, R. |
Stability Optimization of Periodic Walking and Running Motions [BibTeX] |
2005 |
Oberwolfach Reports "Optimization and Applications" |
inproceedings |
author = {K.D. Mombaur and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder and R.W. Longman},
title = {Stability Optimization of Periodic Walking and Running Motions},
booktitle = {Oberwolfach Reports "Optimization and Applications"},
year = {2005},
pages = {105--107}
Mombaur, K., Bock, H., Schlöder, J. & Longman, R. |
Open-loop stable solution of periodic optimal control problems [BibTeX] |
2005 |
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik |
article |
author = {K.D. Mombaur and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder and R.W. Longman},
title = {Open-loop stable solution of periodic optimal control problems},
journal = {Zeitschrift f\"ur {A}ngewandte {M}athematik und {M}echanik},
year = {2005},
volume = {85},
number = {7}
Mombaur, K., Bock, H., Schlöder, J. & Longman, R. |
Self-stabilizing somersaults [BibTeX] |
2005 |
IEEE Transactions on Robotics |
article |
author = {K.D. Mombaur and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder and R.W. Longman},
title = {Self-stabilizing somersaults},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Robotics},
year = {2005},
volume = {21},
number = {6}
Mombaur, K., Longman, R., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Optimizing Spring-Damper Design in Human-like Walking that is Asymptotically Stable Without Feedback [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Proceedings of HPSC 2006, Hanoi |
inproceedings |
author = {Mombaur, K.D. and Longman, R.W. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Optimizing Spring-Damper Design in Human-like Walking that is Asymptotically Stable Without Feedback},
booktitle = {Proceedings of HPSC 2006, Hanoi},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2006},
series = {Lecture Notes in Scientific Computing},
pages = {403--418}
Mombaur, K., Longman, R., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Open-loop stable running [BibTeX] |
2005 |
Robotica |
article |
author = {Mombaur, K.D. and Longman, R.W. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Open-loop stable running},
journal = {Robotica},
year = {2005},
volume = {23},
pages = {21--33}
Mombaur, K., Longman, R., Schlöder, J. & Bock, H. |
Simulation of Time-Optimal Elbow Robot Motion [BibTeX] |
2005 |
International Journal of Robotics and Automation |
article |
author = {Mombaur, K.D. and Longman, R.W. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and Bock, H.G.},
title = {Simulation of Time-{O}ptimal Elbow Robot Motion},
journal = {International Journal of Robotics and Automation},
year = {2005},
volume = {23 (1)},
pages = {21--33}
Mombaur, K., Schlöder, J., Longman, R. & Bock, H. |
Stability Optimization of Periodic Processes with Discontinuities [BibTeX] |
2003 |
Proc. of Operations Research, Heidelberg |
inproceedings |
author = {Mombaur, K.D. and Schl\"oder, J.P. and Longman, R.W. and Bock, H.G.},
title = {Stability Optimization of Periodic Processes with Discontinuities},
booktitle = {Proc. of Operations Research, Heidelberg},
year = {2003}
Mommer, M. S. & Stevenson, R. |
A Goal-Oriented Adaptive Finite Element Method with Convergence Rates [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
2008 |
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. |
article |
Abstract: Preprint 1357, Department of Mathematics, Utrecht University (November 2006) |
author = {M. S. Mommer and R. Stevenson},
title = {A Goal-Oriented Adaptive Finite Element Method with Convergence Rates},
journal = {{SIAM} J. Numer. Anal.},
year = {2008},
note = {accepted}
Nagy, Z., Agachi, S., Findeisen, R., Allgöwer, F., Diehl, M., Schlöder, J. & Bock, H. |
The trade-off between modeling complexity and real-time feasiblity in nonlinear model predictive control [BibTeX] |
2002 |
Proc. of the 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics VI |
inproceedings |
author = {Nagy, Z. and Agachi, S. and Findeisen, R. and Allg\"{o}wer, F. and Diehl, M. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and Bock, H.G.},
title = {The trade-off between modeling complexity and real-time feasiblity in nonlinear model predictive control},
booktitle = {Proc. of the 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics VI},
year = {2002},
pages = {329--334},
address = {Orlando, Florida, USA}
Nagy, Z., Findeisen, R., Diehl, M., Allgöwer, F., Bock, H., Agachi, S., Schlöder, J. & Leineweber, D. |
Real-time Feasibility of Nonlinear Predictive Control for Large Scale Processes -- a Case Study [BibTeX] |
2000 |
Proc. of ACC 2000 |
inproceedings |
author = {Z. Nagy and R. Findeisen and M. Diehl and F. Allg\"ower and H.G. Bock and S. Agachi and J.P. Schl\"oder and D.B. Leineweber},
title = {Real-time Feasibility of Nonlinear Predictive Control for Large Scale Processes -- a Case Study},
booktitle = {Proc. of ACC 2000},
year = {2000},
pages = {4249--4254},
address = {Chicago}
Phu, H., Bock, H. & Pickenhain, S. |
Rough stability of solutions to nonconvex optimization problems [BibTeX] |
2000 |
Optimization, Dynamics and Economic Analysis: Essays in Honor of Gustav Feichtinger |
incollection |
author = {Phu, H.X. and Bock, H.G. and Pickenhain, S.},
title = {Rough stability of solutions to nonconvex optimization problems},
booktitle = {Optimization, Dynamics and Economic Analysis: Essays in Honor of Gustav Feichtinger},
publisher = {Springer/Physica},
year = {2000}
Phu, H., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
The Method of Orienting Curves and its Application to Manipulator Trajectory Planning [BibTeX] |
1997 |
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization |
article |
author = {Phu, H.X. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {The Method of Orienting Curves and its Application to Manipulator Trajectory Planning},
journal = {Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization},
year = {1997},
volume = {18},
pages = {213--225}
Phu, H., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Extremal Solutions of Some Constrained Control Problems [BibTeX] |
1995 |
Optimization |
article |
author = {Phu, H.X. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {Extremal Solutions of Some Constrained Control Problems},
journal = {Optimization},
year = {1995},
volume = {35},
pages = {345--355}
Plitt, K. |
Ein superlinear konvergentes Mehrzielverfahren zur direkten Berechnung beschränkter optimaler Steuerungen [BibTeX] |
1981 |
School: Rheinische Friedrich--Wilhelms--Universität Bonn |
mastersthesis |
author = {Plitt, K.J.},
title = {Ein superlinear konvergentes {M}ehrzielverfahren zur direkten {B}erechnung beschr\"ankter optimaler {S}teuerungen},
school = {Rheinische Friedrich--Wilhelms--Universit\"at Bonn},
year = {1981}
Potschka, A. |
A direct method for the numerical solution of optimization problems with time-periodic PDE constraints [BibTeX] |
2011 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
author = {Potschka, A.},
title = {A direct method for the numerical solution of optimization problems with time-periodic {PDE} constraints},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2011}
Potschka, A. |
Handling Path Constraints in a Direct Multiple Shooting Method for Optimal Control Problems [BibTeX] |
2006 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
link |
author = {A. Potschka},
title = {Handling Path Constraints in a Direct Multiple Shooting Method for Optimal Control Problems},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2006},
url = {}
Potschka, A., Bock, H., Engell, S., Küpper, A. & Schlöder, J. |
A Newton-Picard inexact SQP method for optimization of SMB processes [BibTeX] |
2008 |
techreport |
link |
author = {Potschka,A. and Bock, H.G. and Engell, S. and K\"upper, A. and Schl{\"o}der, J.P.},
title = {A {N}ewton-{P}icard inexact {SQP} method for optimization of {SMB} processes},
year = {2008},
number = {SPP1253-01-01},
url = {}
Potschka, A., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
A minima tracking variant of semi-infinite programming for the treatment of path constraints within direct solution of optimal control problems [BibTeX] |
2009 |
Optimization Methods and Software |
article |
author = {Potschka, A. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P.},
title = {A minima tracking variant of semi-infinite programming for the treatment of path constraints within direct solution of optimal control problems},
journal = {Optimization Methods and Software},
year = {2009},
volume = {24},
number = {2},
pages = {237--252}
Potschka, A., Mommer, M., Schlöder, J. & Bock, H. |
Newton-Picard-based preconditioning for linear-quadratic optimization problems with time-periodic parabolic PDE constraints [BibTeX] |
2012 |
SIAM J. Sci. Comp. |
article |
author = {Potschka, A. and Mommer, M.S. and Schl\"oder, J.P. and Bock, H.G.},
title = {{N}ewton-{P}icard-based preconditioning for linear-quadratic optimization problems with time-periodic parabolic {PDE} constraints},
journal = {{SIAM} J. Sci. Comp.},
publisher = {SIAM},
year = {2012},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
pages = {1214--1239}
Rücker, G. |
Automatisches Differenzieren mit Anwendung in der Optimierung bei chemischen Reaktionssystemen [BibTeX] |
1999 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {R{\"u}cker, G.},
title = {Automatisches {D}ifferenzieren mit {A}nwendung in der {O}ptimierung bei chemischen {R}eaktionssystemen},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {1999}
Riede, P. |
Optimierung von dynamischen Multiple-Setpoint-Problemen mit Anwendung bei Fahrzeugmodellen [BibTeX] |
2006 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
author = {Riede, P.},
title = {{O}ptimierung von dynamischen {M}ultiple-{S}etpoint-{P}roblemen mit {A}nwendung bei {F}ahrzeugmodellen},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2006}
Riede, P. |
Entwicklung eines parallelen PRSQP-Verfahrens zur Lösung von Multiple-Setpoint-Optimierungsproblemen [BibTeX] |
2001 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {P. Riede},
title = {{E}ntwicklung eines parallelen {PRSQP}-{V}erfahrens zur {L}\"osung von {M}ultiple-{S}etpoint-{O}ptimierungsproblemen},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2001},
note = {Download at:\~jx7/}
Sachs, G., Lesch, K., Bock, H. & Steinbach, M. |
Periodic optimal trajectories with singular control for aircraft with high aerodynamic efficiency [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
1993 |
Optimal Control |
inproceedings |
Abstract: Fuel minimum range cruise of aircraft with high aerodynamic efficiency is considered as an optimal periodic control problem. Optimality conditions for trajectories with singular arcs and state variable constraints are derived. Computation of periodic optimal trajectories in the case addressed presents strong requirements on the numerical algorithm. Computational difficulties become larger when aerodynamic efficiency is increased and wing loading is decreased. The specific nature of the numerical problems encountered and the means used to overcome them are described. |
author = {G. Sachs and K. Lesch and H.G. Bock and M.C. Steinbach},
title = {Periodic optimal trajectories with singular control for aircraft with high aerodynamic efficiency},
booktitle = {Optimal Control},
publisher = {Birkh\"auser},
year = {1993},
editor = {R. Bulirsch and A. Miele and J. Stoer and K.H. Well},
address = {Basel Boston Berlin}
Sager, S. |
A benchmark library of mixed-integer optimal control problems [BibTeX] |
2012 |
Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming |
inproceedings |
link |
author = {S. Sager},
title = {A benchmark library of mixed-integer optimal control problems},
booktitle = {Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2012},
editor = {J. Lee and S. Leyffer},
pages = {631--670},
url = {}
Sager, S. |
Sampling Decisions in Optimum Experimental Design in the Light of Pontryagin's Maximum Principle [BibTeX] |
2013 |
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization |
article |
link |
author = {Sager, S.},
title = {Sampling Decisions in Optimum Experimental Design in the Light of {P}ontryagin's Maximum Principle},
journal = {SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization},
year = {2013},
volume = {51},
number = {4},
pages = {3181--3207},
url = {}
Sager, S. |
Reformulations and Algorithms for the Optimization of Switching Decisions in Nonlinear Optimal Control [BibTeX] |
2009 |
Journal of Process Control |
article |
link |
author = {S. Sager},
title = {Reformulations and Algorithms for the Optimization of Switching Decisions in Nonlinear Optimal Control},
journal = {Journal of Process Control},
year = {2009},
volume = {19},
number = {8},
pages = {1238--1247},
url = {}
Sager, S. |
Numerical methods for mixed--integer optimal control problems [BibTeX] |
2006 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
link |
author = {Sager, S.},
title = {Numerical methods for mixed--integer optimal control problems},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2006},
url = {}
Sager, S. |
Numerical methods for mixed--integer optimal control problems [BibTeX] |
2005 |
Publisher: Der andere Verlag |
book |
link |
author = {S. Sager},
title = {Numerical methods for mixed--integer optimal control problems},
publisher = {Der andere {V}erlag},
year = {2005},
address = {T\"onning, L\"ubeck, Marburg},
note = {ISBN 3-89959-416-9},
url = {}
Sager, S. |
Lange Schritte im Dualen Simplex-Algorithmus [BibTeX] |
2001 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
link |
author = {Sager, S.},
title = {Lange {S}chritte im {D}ualen {S}implex-{A}lgorithmus},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2001},
url = {}
Sager, S., Barth, C., Diedam, H., Engelhart, M. & Funke, J. |
Optimization as an Analysis Tool for Human Complex Problem Solving [BibTeX] |
2011 |
SIAM Journal on Optimization |
article |
link |
author = {Sager, S. and Barth, C. and Diedam, H. and Engelhart, M. and Funke, J.},
title = {Optimization as an Analysis Tool for Human Complex Problem Solving},
journal = {{SIAM} Journal on Optimization},
year = {2011},
volume = {21},
number = {3},
pages = {936--959},
url = {}
Sager, S., Barth, C., Diedam, H., Engelhart, M. & Funke, J. |
Optimization to measure performance in the Tailorshop test scenario --- structured MINLPs and beyond [BibTeX] |
2010 |
Proceedings EWMINLP10 |
inproceedings |
author = {Sager, S. and Barth, C. and Diedam, H. and Engelhart, M. and Funke, J.},
title = {Optimization to measure performance in the {T}ailorshop test scenario --- structured {MINLP}s and beyond},
booktitle = {Proceedings {EWMINLP10}},
year = {2010},
pages = {261--269},
address = {CIRM, Marseille}
Sager, S., Bock, H. & Diehl, M. |
The Integer Approximation Error in Mixed-Integer Optimal Control [BibTeX] |
2012 |
Mathematical Programming A |
article |
link |
author = {Sager, S. and Bock, H.G. and Diehl, M.},
title = {The Integer Approximation Error in Mixed-Integer Optimal Control},
journal = {Mathematical Programming A},
year = {2012},
volume = {133},
number = {1--2},
pages = {1--23},
url = {}
Sager, S., Bock, H., Diehl, M., Reinelt, G. & Schlöder, J. |
Numerical methods for optimal control with binary control functions applied to a Lotka-Volterra type fishing problem [BibTeX] |
2009 |
Recent Advances in Optimization |
inproceedings |
author = {S. Sager and H.G. Bock and M. Diehl and G. Reinelt and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Numerical methods for optimal control with binary control functions applied to a {L}otka-{V}olterra type fishing problem},
booktitle = {Recent Advances in Optimization},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2009},
editor = {A. Seeger},
volume = {563},
series = {Lectures Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems},
pages = {269--289},
address = {Heidelberg},
note = {ISBN 978-3-5402-8257-0}
Sager, S., Brandt-Pollmann, U., Diehl, M., Lebiedz, D. & Bock, H. |
Exploiting system homogeneities in large scale optimal control problems for speedup of multiple shooting based SQP methods [BibTeX] |
2007 |
Computers & Chemical Engineering |
article |
author = {S. Sager and U. Brandt-Pollmann and M. Diehl and D. Lebiedz and H.G. Bock},
title = {Exploiting system homogeneities in large scale optimal control problems for speedup of multiple shooting based {SQP} methods},
journal = {Computers \& Chemical Engineering},
year = {2007},
volume = {31},
pages = {1181--1186}
Sager, S., Diehl, M., Singh, G., Küpper, A. & Engell, S. |
Determining SMB superstructures by mixed-integer control [BibTeX] |
2007 |
Proceedings OR2006 |
inproceedings |
author = {S. Sager and M. Diehl and G. Singh and A. K\"upper and S. Engell},
title = {Determining {SMB} superstructures by mixed-integer control},
booktitle = {Proceedings OR2006},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2007},
editor = {K.-H. Waldmann and U.M. Stocker},
pages = {37--44},
address = {Karlsruhe}
Sager, S., Jung, M. & Kirches, C. |
Combinatorial Integral Approximation [BibTeX] |
2011 |
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research |
article |
DOI link |
author = {S. Sager and M. Jung and C. Kirches},
title = {Combinatorial Integral Approximation},
journal = {Mathematical Methods of Operations Research},
year = {2011},
volume = {73},
number = {3},
pages = {363--380},
url = {},
doi = {}
Sager, S., Kirches, C. & Bock, H. |
Fast solution of periodic optimal control problems in automobile test-driving with gear shifts [BibTeX] |
2008 |
Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2008), Cancun, Mexico |
inproceedings |
DOI link |
author = {S. Sager and C. Kirches and H.G. Bock},
title = {Fast solution of periodic optimal control problems in automobile test-driving with gear shifts},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 47th {IEEE} Conference on Decision and Control ({CDC} 2008), Cancun, Mexico},
year = {2008},
pages = {1563--1568},
note = {ISBN: 978-1-4244-3124-3},
url = {},
doi = {}
Sager, S., Reinelt, G. & Bock, H. |
Direct Methods With Maximal Lower Bound for Mixed-Integer Optimal Control Problems [BibTeX] |
2009 |
Mathematical Programming |
article |
link |
author = {Sager, S. and Reinelt, G. and Bock, H.G.},
title = {Direct Methods With Maximal Lower Bound for Mixed-Integer Optimal Control Problems},
journal = {Mathematical Programming},
year = {2009},
volume = {118},
number = {1},
pages = {109--149},
url = {}
Schäfer, A. |
On scaling techniques and termination criteria for SQP methods [BibTeX] |
2009 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Sch\"afer, A.},
title = {On scaling techniques and termination criteria for SQP methods},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2009}
Schäfer, A. |
Efficient reduced Newton-type methods for solution of large-scale structured optimization problems with application to biological and chemical processes [BibTeX] |
2005 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
link |
author = {Sch\"afer, A.A.S.},
title = {Efficient reduced {N}ewton-type methods for solution of large-scale structured optimization problems with application to biological and chemical processes},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2005},
url = {}
Schäfer, A., Bock, H., Schlöder, J. & Leineweber, D. |
An exact Hessian SQP method for ill-conditioned optimal control problems [BibTeX] |
2001 |
techreport |
author = {A.A.S. Sch\"afer and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P. and Leineweber, D.B.},
title = {An exact Hessian SQP method for ill-conditioned optimal control problems},
year = {2001},
number = {01-XX}
Schäfer, A., Brandt-Pollmann, U., Diehl, M., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Fast Optimal Control Algorithms with Application to Chemical Engineering [BibTeX] |
2003 |
Operations Research Proceedings |
inproceedings |
author = {Sch\"afer, A.A.S. and Brandt-Pollmann, U. and Diehl, M. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Fast Optimal Control Algorithms with Application to Chemical Engineering},
booktitle = {Operations Research Proceedings},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2003},
editor = {Ahr, D. and Fahrion, R. and Oswald, M. and Reinelt, G.},
pages = {300--307},
address = {Heidelberg}
Schäfer, A., Kuehl, P., Diehl, M., Schlöder, J. & Bock, H. |
Fast reduced multiple shooting methods for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control [BibTeX] |
2007 |
Chemical Engineering and Processing |
article |
author = {A. Sch\"afer and P. Kuehl and M. Diehl and J.P. Schl\"oder and H.G. Bock},
title = {Fast reduced multiple shooting methods for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control},
journal = {Chemical Engineering and Processing},
year = {2007},
volume = {46},
number = {11},
pages = {1200--1214}
Scheer, E., Bock, H., Platt, U. & Rannacher, R. |
Retrieval of height profiles of trace gases by optimal parameter estimation [BibTeX] |
1997 |
NATO ASI series I: Global environmental Change |
inproceedings |
author = {Scheer, E. and Bock, H.G. and Platt, U. and Rannacher, R.},
title = {Retrieval of height profiles of trace gases by optimal parameter estimation},
booktitle = {{NATO} {ASI} series I: Global environmental Change},
year = {1997},
editor = {Varotsos, C.},
volume = {53},
pages = {285--291}
Schierle, I. |
Iterative Methods for the Computation of Covariance Matrices for Large-Scale Constrained Nonlinear Parameter Estimation Problems [BibTeX] |
2008 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Schierle, I.},
title = {{I}terative {M}ethods for the {C}omputation of {C}ovariance {M}atrices for {L}arge-{S}cale {C}onstrained {N}onlinear {P}arameter {E}stimation {P}roblems},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2008}
Schlöder, J. |
Numerische Methoden zur Behandlung hochdimensionaler Aufgaben der Parameteridentifizierung [BibTeX] |
1988 |
Publisher: Universität Bonn |
book |
author = {J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Numerische {M}ethoden zur {B}ehandlung hochdimensionaler {A}ufgaben der {P}arameteridentifizierung},
publisher = {Universit\"at {B}onn},
year = {1988},
volume = {187},
series = {Bonner Mathematische Schriften},
address = {Bonn}
Schlöder, J. |
Zeitoptimale Orbit-Orbit-Transfers und Designstudien für Sonnensegelsatelliten [BibTeX] |
1980 |
School: Universität Bonn |
mastersthesis |
author = {Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Zeitoptimale {O}rbit-{O}rbit-{T}ransfers und {D}esignstudien f\"{u}r {S}onnensegelsatelliten},
school = {Universit\"at {Bo}nn},
year = {1980}
Schlöder, J. & Bock, H. |
Identification of Rate Constants in Bistable Chemical Reactions [BibTeX] |
1983 |
Numerical Treatment of Inverse Problems in Differential and Integral Equations, Progress in Scientific Computing |
inproceedings |
author = {J.P. Schl\"oder and H.G. Bock},
title = {{I}dentification of {R}ate {C}onstants in {B}istable {C}hemical {R}eactions},
booktitle = {{N}umerical {T}reatment of {I}nverse {P}roblems in {D}ifferential and {I}ntegral {E}quations, {P}rogress in {S}cientific {C}omputing},
publisher = {Birkh\"auser},
year = {1983},
editor = {Deuflhard and Hairer},
pages = {27--47},
address = {Basel Boston Berlin}
Schlöder, J., Conrads, A. & Frank, T. |
Neuere Verfahren zur Parameterschätzung dargestellt am Beispiel der Modellierung von Rübenwachstum [BibTeX] |
1985 |
Simulationstechnik, Proc. 3. Symposium Simulationstechnik |
inproceedings |
author = {J. Schl\"oder and A. Conrads and T. Frank},
title = {{N}euere {V}erfahren zur {P}arametersch\"atzung dargestellt am {B}eispiel der {M}odellierung von {R}\"ubenwachstum},
booktitle = {Simulationstechnik, Proc. 3. Symposium Simulationstechnik},
publisher = {{S}pringer},
year = {1985},
editor = {D. P. F. M\"oller},
number = {109},
series = {{I}formatik-{F}achberichte},
pages = {304--308},
address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo}
Schmidt, A. |
Automatisches Differenzieren bei Differentialgleichungsmodellen der Systembiologie [BibTeX] |
2008 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Schmidt, A.},
title = {{A}utomatisches {D}ifferenzieren bei {D}ifferentialgleichungsmodellen der {S}ystembiologie},
school = {{U}niversit\"at {H}eidelberg},
year = {2008}
Schulz, V. |
Solving discretized optimization problems by partially reduced SQP methods [BibTeX] |
1998 |
Computing and Visualization in Science |
article |
author = {Schulz, V.H.},
title = {Solving discretized optimization problems by partially reduced {SQP} methods},
journal = {Computing and Visualization in Science},
year = {1998},
volume = {1},
pages = {83--96}
Schulz, V. |
Reduced SQP methods for large-scale optimal control problems in DAE with application to path planning problems for satellite mounted robots [BibTeX] |
1996 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
author = {Schulz, V.H.},
title = {Reduced {SQP} methods for large-scale optimal control problems in DAE with application to path planning problems for satellite mounted robots},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {1996},
number = {96-12}
Schulz, V. |
Optimal Paths for Satellite Mounted Robots [BibTeX] |
1996 |
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik |
article |
author = {Schulz, V.H.},
title = {Optimal Paths for Satellite Mounted Robots},
journal = {Zeitschrift f\"ur {A}ngewandte {M}athematik und {M}echanik},
year = {1996},
volume = {76},
number = {S3},
pages = {291--294}
Schulz, V. |
Numerical Optimization of the Cross-Sectional Shape of Turbine Blades [BibTeX] |
1996 |
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik |
article |
author = {Schulz, V.H.},
title = {Numerical Optimization of the Cross-Sectional Shape of Turbine Blades},
journal = {Zeitschrift f\"ur {A}ngewandte {M}athematik und {M}echanik},
year = {1996},
volume = {76},
number = {S1},
pages = {207--210}
Schulz, V. |
A Direct PRSQP Method for Path Planning of Satellite Mounted Robots [BibTeX] |
1996 |
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik |
article |
author = {Schulz, V.H.},
title = {A Direct {P}{R}{S}{Q}{P} Method for Path Planning of Satellite Mounted Robots},
journal = {Zeitschrift f\"ur {A}ngewandte {M}athematik und {M}echanik},
year = {1996},
volume = {76},
number = {S3},
pages = {17--20}
Schulz, V. |
Ein effizientes Kollokationsverfahren zur numerischen Behandlung von Mehrpunktrandwertaufgaben in der Parameteridentifizierung und Optimalen Steuerung [BibTeX] |
1990 |
School: Universität Augsburg |
mastersthesis |
author = {Schulz, V.H.},
title = {{E}in effizientes {K}ollokationsverfahren zur numerischen {B}ehandlung von {M}ehrpunktrandwertaufgaben in der {P}arameteridentifizierung und {O}ptimalen {S}teuerung},
school = {Universit\"at Augsburg},
year = {1990}
Schulz, V. & Bock, H. |
Partially reduced SQP methods for large-scale nonlinear optimization problems [BibTeX] |
1997 |
Nonlinear Analysis |
article |
author = {Schulz, V.H. and Bock, H.G.},
title = {Partially reduced {SQP} methods for large-scale nonlinear optimization problems},
journal = {Nonlinear Analysis},
year = {1997},
volume = {30},
number = {8},
pages = {4723--4734}
Schulz, V., Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
Shortest paths for satellite mounted robot manipulators [BibTeX] |
1994 |
Computational Optimal Control |
incollection |
author = {Schulz, V.H. and Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Shortest paths for satellite mounted robot manipulators},
booktitle = {Computational Optimal Control},
publisher = {Birkh\"auser},
year = {1994},
editor = {R. Bulirsch and D. Kraft},
address = {Basel Boston Berlin}
Schulz, V., Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
Computer-Aided Motion Planning for Satellite Mounted Robots [BibTeX] |
1998 |
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences |
article |
author = {Schulz, V.H. and Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Computer-Aided Motion Planning for Satellite Mounted Robots},
journal = {Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences},
year = {1998},
volume = {21},
pages = {733--755}
Schulz, V., Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
Optimal Path Planning for Satellite Mounted Robot Manipulators [BibTeX] |
1993 |
Proceedings of the 1993 AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting |
inproceedings |
author = {V.H. Schulz and H.G. Bock and R.W. Longman},
title = {Optimal Path Planning for Satellite Mounted Robot Manipulators},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1993 AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting},
publisher = {American Astronautical Society},
year = {1993},
volume = {73},
series = {Advances in the Astronautical Sciences},
note = {Also published as Preprint 93-13, IWR, Universit\"at Heidelberg}
Schulz, V., Bock, H. & Steinbach, M. |
Exploiting invariants in the numerical solution of multipoint boundary value problems for DAEs [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
1998 |
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing |
article |
Abstract: This paper presents a new approach to the numerical solution of boundary value problems for higher-index differential-algebraic equations (DAEs). Invariants known for the original DAE as well as invariants of the reduced index 1 formulation are exploited to stabilize initial value problem (IVP) integration, derivative generation, and nonlinear and linear systems solution of an enhanced multiple shooting method. Extensions to collocation are given. Applications are presented for two important problem classes: parameter estimation in multibody systems given in descriptor form, and singular and state-constrained optimal control problems. In particular, generalizations of the "internal numerical differentiation" technique to DAE with invariants and a new multistage least squares decomposition technique for DAE boundary value problems are developed, which are implemented in the multiple shooting code PARFIT and in the collocation code COLFIT. Further, a method is described which minimizes the number of necessary directional derivatives in the presence of multipoint conditions and invariants. As numerical applications, a parameter identification problem for a slider crank mechanism and a periodic cruise optimal control problem for a motor glider aircraft are treated. |
author = {Schulz, V.H. and Bock, H.G. and Steinbach, M.C.},
title = {Exploiting invariants in the numerical solution of multipoint boundary value problems for {DAE}s},
journal = {{SIAM} Journal on Scientific Computing},
year = {1998},
volume = {19},
pages = {440--467}
Schulz, V., Dreyer, T., Speer, T. & Bock, H. |
Optimum shape design of turbine blades [BibTeX] |
1996 |
Operations Research Proceedings 1995 |
inproceedings |
author = {V.H. Schulz and T. Dreyer and T. Speer and H.G. Bock},
title = {Optimum shape design of turbine blades},
booktitle = {Operations Research Proceedings 1995},
publisher = {Springer, Heidelberg},
year = {1996},
editor = {P. Kleinschmidt and A. Bachem and U. Derigs and D. Fischer and U. Leopold-Wildburger and R. M\"ohring},
pages = {190--195}
Schwerin, R. von. & Winckler, M. |
Some Aspects of Sensitivity Analysis in Vehicle System Dynamics [BibTeX] |
1996 |
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik |
article |
author = {{R. von} Schwerin and M. Winckler},
title = {Some Aspects of Sensitivity Analysis in Vehicle System Dynamics},
journal = {Zeitschrift f\"ur {A}ngewandte {M}athematik und {M}echanik},
year = {1996},
volume = {76},
number = {S3},
pages = {155--158}
Schwerin, R. von. & Winckler, M. |
Some Aspects of Sensitivity Analysis in Vehicle System Dynamics [BibTeX] |
1996 |
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik |
article |
author = {{R. von} Schwerin and M. Winckler},
title = {Some Aspects of Sensitivity Analysis in Vehicle System Dynamics},
journal = {Zeitschrift f\"ur {A}ngewandte {M}athematik und {M}echanik},
year = {1996},
volume = {76},
number = {S3},
pages = {155--158}
Schwerin, R. von. & Winckler, M. |
A guide to the integrator library MBSSIM version 1.00 [BibTeX] |
1994 |
techreport |
author = {{R. von} Schwerin and M. Winckler},
title = {A guide to the integrator library {M}{B}{S}{S}{I}{M} version 1.00},
year = {1994},
number = {94-75}
Schwerin, R. von. & Winckler, M. |
A guide to the integrator library MBSSIM version 1.00 [BibTeX] |
1994 |
techreport |
author = {{R. von} Schwerin and M. Winckler},
title = {A guide to the integrator library {M}{B}{S}{S}{I}{M} version 1.00},
year = {1994},
number = {94-75}
Schwerin, R. von., Winckler, M. & Schulz, V. |
Parameter estimation in discontinuous descriptor models [BibTeX] |
1996 |
IUTAM Symposium on Optimization of Mechanical Systems |
inproceedings |
author = {{R. von} Schwerin and M. Winckler and V. Schulz},
title = {Parameter estimation in discontinuous descriptor models},
booktitle = {IUTAM Symposium on Optimization of Mechanical Systems},
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
year = {1996},
editor = {D. Bestle and W. Schiehlen},
pages = {269--276}
Schwerin, R. von., Winckler, M. & Schulz, V. |
Parameter estimation in discontinuous descriptor models [BibTeX] |
1996 |
IUTAM Symposium on Optimization of Mechanical Systems |
inproceedings |
author = {{R. von} Schwerin and M. Winckler and V. Schulz},
title = {Parameter estimation in discontinuous descriptor models},
booktitle = {IUTAM Symposium on Optimization of Mechanical Systems},
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
year = {1996},
editor = {D. Bestle and W. Schiehlen},
pages = {269--276}
von Schwerin, M. |
Numerische Methoden zur Schätzung von Reaktionsgeschwindigkeiten bei der katalytischen Methankonversion und Optimierung von Essigsäure- und Methanprozessen [BibTeX] |
1997 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
author = {von Schwerin, M.},
title = {Numerische {M}ethoden zur {S}ch\"atzung von {R}eaktionsgeschwindigkeiten bei der katalytischen {M}ethankonversion und {O}ptimierung von {E}ssigs\"aure- und {M}ethanprozessen},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {1997}
von Schwerin, M. |
Numerische Methoden zur Schätzung von Reaktionsgeschwindigkeiten bei der katalytischen Methankonversion und zur Optimierung von Essigsäure- und Methanprozessen [BibTeX] |
1996 |
techreport |
author = {von Schwerin, M.},
title = {{N}umerische {M}ethoden zur Sch\"{a}tzung von {R}eaktionsgeschwindigkeiten bei der katalytischen {M}ethankonversion und zur {O}ptimierung von {E}ssigs\"{a}ure- und {M}ethanprozessen},
year = {1996}
von Schwerin, M. |
Ein Trust-Region-Verfahren zur Lösung von Steuerungsproblemen mittels Multiple-Shooting und Sukzessiver Quadratischer Programmierung [BibTeX] |
1992 |
School: University of Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {von Schwerin, M.},
title = {{E}in {T}rust-{R}egion-{V}erfahren zur {L}\"{o}sung von {S}teuerungsproblemen mittels {M}ultiple-{S}hooting und {S}ukzessiver {Q}uadratischer {P}rogrammierung},
school = {University of Heidelberg},
year = {1992}
von Schwerin, M., Gallitzendörfer, J., Schlöder, J. & Bock, H. |
Ein paralleles Verfahren zur Parameterschätzung bei der katalytischen Methankonversion [BibTeX] |
1996 |
techreport |
author = {von Schwerin, M. and Gallitzend\"{o}rfer, J.V. and Schl\"{o}der, J.P. and Bock, H.G.},
title = {{E}in paralleles {V}erfahren zur {P}arametersch\"{a}tzung bei der katalytischen {M}ethankonversion},
year = {1996},
number = {96-49},
address = {Heidelberg},
note = {SFB 359}
von Schwerin, R. |
MultiBody System SIMulation. Numerical Methods, Algorithms, and Software [BibTeX] |
1999 |
Publisher: Springer |
book |
author = {von Schwerin, R.},
title = {MultiBody {S}ystem {SIM}ulation. {N}umerical Methods, Algorithms, and Software},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {1999},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering Vol. 7},
address = {Heidelberg}
von Schwerin, R. |
Numerical methods, algorithms, and software for higher index nonlinear differential-algebraic equations in multibody system simulation [BibTeX] |
1997 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
author = {von Schwerin, R.},
title = {Numerical methods, algorithms, and software for higher index nonlinear differential-algebraic equations in multibody system simulation},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {1997}
von Schwerin, R. & Bock, H. |
A Runge-Kutta-Starter for a Multistep-Method for Differential-Algebraic Systems with Discontinuous Effects [BibTeX] |
1995 |
Applied Numerical Mathematics |
article |
author = {von Schwerin, R. and Bock, H.G.},
title = {A {R}unge-{K}utta-Starter for a Multistep-Method for Differential-Algebraic Systems with Discontinuous Effects},
journal = {Applied Numerical Mathematics},
year = {1995},
volume = {18},
pages = {337--350}
Shaik, O., Sager, S., Slaby, O. & Lebiedz, D. |
Phase tracking and restoration of circadian rhythms by model-based optimal control [BibTeX] |
2008 |
IET Systems Biology |
article |
author = {Shaik, O.S. and Sager, S. and Slaby, O. and Lebiedz, D.},
title = {Phase tracking and restoration of circadian rhythms by model-based optimal control},
journal = {IET Systems Biology},
year = {2008},
volume = {2},
pages = {16--23}
Simon, J., Bock, H., Doederlein, L., McIntosh, A., Metaxiotis, D. & Wolf, S. |
The Heidelberg foot measurement method: Development, description and assessment [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Gait & Posture |
article |
author = {Simon, J. and Bock, H.G. and Doederlein, L. and McIntosh, A.S. and Metaxiotis, D. and Wolf, S.I.},
title = {The {H}eidelberg foot measurement method: Development, description and assessment},
journal = {Gait \& Posture},
year = {2006},
volume = {23},
pages = {411--424}
Simon, J., Bock, H., Metaxiotis, D., Siebel, A. & Döderlein, L. |
A Multi-Segmented Foot Model [BibTeX] |
2001 |
Gait & Posture |
article |
author = {Simon, J. and Bock, H.G. and Metaxiotis, D. and Siebel, A. and D\"{o}derlein, L.},
title = {A Multi-Segmented Foot Model},
journal = {Gait \& Posture},
year = {2001},
volume = {13},
pages = {269--270}
Slaby, O., Sager, S., Shaik, O., Kummer, U. & Lebiedz, D. |
Optimal control of self-organized dynamics in cellular signal transduction [BibTeX] |
2007 |
Mathematical and Computational Modelling of Dynamical Systems |
article |
author = {Slaby, O. and Sager, S. and Shaik, O.S. and Kummer, U. and Lebiedz, D.},
title = {Optimal control of self-organized dynamics in cellular signal transduction},
journal = {Mathematical and Computational Modelling of Dynamical Systems},
year = {2007},
volume = {13},
number = {5},
pages = {487--502}
Steinbach, M. |
A structured interior point SQP method for nonlinear optimal control problems [BibTeX] |
1994 |
Computational Optimal Control |
incollection |
author = {Steinbach, M.C.},
title = {A structured interior point {SQP} method for nonlinear optimal control problems},
booktitle = {Computational Optimal Control},
publisher = {Birkh\"auser},
year = {1994},
editor = {R. Bulirsch and D. Kraft},
volume = {115},
series = {International Series of Numerical Mathematics},
pages = {213--222},
address = {Basel Boston Berlin},
note = {ISBN 0-8176-5015-6}
Steinbach, M. |
Fast recursive SQP methods for large-scale optimal control problems [BibTeX] |
1995 |
School: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
author = {Steinbach, M.C.},
title = {{F}ast recursive {SQP} methods for large-scale optimal control problems},
school = {Ruprecht-Karls-Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {1995}
Steinbach, M., Bock, H., Kostin, G. & Longman, R. |
Mathematical Optimization in Robotics: Towards Automated High Speed Motion Planning [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
1998 |
Surveys on Mathematics for Industry |
article |
Abstract: Industrial robots have greatly enhanced the performance of automated manufacturing processes during the last decades. International competition, however, creates an increasing demand to further improve both the accuracy of off-line programming and the resulting cycle times on production lines. To meet these objectives, validated dynamic robot models are required. We describe in detail the development of a generic dynamic model, specialize it to an actual industrial robot KUKA IR 761, and discuss the problem of dynamic calibration. Efficient and robust trajectory optimization algorithms are then presented which, when integrated into a CAD system, are suitable for routine application in an industrial environment. Our computational results for the KUKA IR 761 robot performing a real life transport maneuver show that considerable gains in productivity can be achieved by minimizing the cycle time. |
author = {Steinbach, M.C. and Bock, H.G. and Kostin, G.V. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Mathematical Optimization in Robotics: Towards Automated High Speed Motion Planning},
journal = {Surveys on Mathematics for Industry},
year = {1998},
volume = {7},
pages = {303--340}
Steinbach, M., Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
Time Optimal Extension or Retraction Maneuvers for Robots [BibTeX] |
1995 |
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications |
article |
author = {Steinbach, M.C. and Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Time Optimal Extension or Retraction Maneuvers for Robots},
journal = {Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications},
year = {1995},
volume = {84},
number = {3},
pages = {589--616}
Steinbach, M., Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
Time optimal extension and retraction of robots: numerical analysis of the switching structure [BibTeX] |
1995 |
Journal of Optimi zation Theory and Applications |
article |
author = {Steinbach, M.C. and Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Time optimal extension and retraction of robots: numerical analysis of the switching structure},
journal = {Journal of Optimi zation Theory and Applications},
year = {1995},
volume = {84},
number = {3},
pages = {589--616}
Steinbach, M., Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
Time Optimal Control of SCARA Robots [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
1990 |
AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, A Collection of Technical Papers, Portland, Oregon |
inproceedings |
Abstract: Previous research by the authors has aimed at understanding and characterizing time optimal trajectories of two large classes of robots, polar coordinate robots and elbow robots. This paper is addressed to a third large class of robots, the SCARA robots. The nature of the time optimal control from point to point in the work space is studied by decomposing maneuvers into categories of maneuvers that aim at changing one spatial position variable, or one robot joint variable only. From this, a heuristic understanding of maneuvers involving changes in more variables is obtained. A preliminary comparison of the time optimal performance of the SCARA robot and the elbow robot is given, and the elbow robot is seen to often have speed advantages. The decoupling of the vertical and horizontal motions of the SCARA, which has advantages in simplicity of dynamics and control, is seen to prevent motors from helping one another to speed up maneuvers. |
author = {Steinbach, M.C. and Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Time Optimal Control of {S}{C}{A}{R}{A} Robots},
booktitle = {AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, A Collection of Technical Papers, Portland, Oregon},
year = {1990},
volume = {1},
pages = {707--716}
Steinbach, M., Bock, H. & Longman, R. |
Time Optimal Extension or Retraction in Polar Coordinate Robots: A Numerical Analysis of the Switching Structure [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
1989 |
Proc. 1989 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference |
inproceedings |
Abstract: The problem of the time-optimal control of robot manipulators is of importance because of its potential for increasing the productivity of assembly lines. This work is part of a series of papers by the authors on this topic using direct and indirect methods of optimization. A cylindrical robot or a spherical polar robot constrained to the horizontal plane is considered, and optimal solutions for radial maneuvers are generated. Indirect methods are employed in order to establish the switching structure of the solutions. The results show that even such apparently simple maneuvers as extension or retraction of a robot with a prismatic joint can produce very complex optimal solutions. Time-optimal retraction can exhibit ten different switching structures with eight switching points and two singular arcs. |
author = {Steinbach, M.C. and Bock, H.G. and Longman, R.W.},
title = {Time Optimal Extension or Retraction in Polar Coordinate Robots: A Numerical Analysis of the Switching Structure},
booktitle = {Proc. 1989 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference},
year = {1989},
address = {Boston}
Thai, T. |
Numerical Methods for Parameter Estimation and Optimal Control of the Red River Network [BibTeX] |
2005 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
phdthesis |
author = {T.H. Thai},
title = {Numerical Methods for Parameter Estimation and Optimal Control of the Red River Network},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2005}
Toumi, A., Diehl, M., Engell, S., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Finite Horizon Optimizing Control of Advanced SMB Chromatographic Processes [BibTeX] |
2005 |
IFAC World Congress |
inproceedings |
author = {A. Toumi and M. Diehl and S. Engell and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Finite Horizon Optimizing Control of Advanced {S}{M}{B} Chromatographic Processes},
booktitle = {IFAC World Congress},
year = {2005}
Toumi, A., Engell, S., Diehl, M., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Efficient Optimization of Simulated Moving Bed Processes [BibTeX] |
2007 |
Chemical Engineering and Processing |
article |
author = {Toumi, A. and Engell, S. and Diehl, M. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Efficient Optimization of {S}imulated {M}oving {B}ed {P}rocesses},
journal = {Chemical Engineering and Processing},
year = {2007},
volume = {46 (11)},
pages = {1067--1084}
Tzafriri, R. & Diehl, M. |
Parameter fitting of a non-linear reaction diffusion model of drug release using a multiple shooting optimal control algorithm [BibTeX] |
2000 |
techreport |
author = {R. Tzafriri and M. Diehl},
title = {Parameter fitting of a non-linear reaction diffusion model of drug release using a multiple shooting optimal control algorithm},
year = {2000},
number = {CS 2000-29}
Winckler, M. & Schwerin, R.~von. |
Simulating Vehicle Systems with Discontinuous Effects using MBSSIM [BibTeX] |
1996 |
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik |
article |
author = {M. Winckler and {R.~von} Schwerin},
title = {Simulating Vehicle Systems with Discontinuous Effects using {M}{B}{S}{S}{I}{M}},
journal = {Zeitschrift f\"ur {A}ngewandte {M}athematik und {M}echanik},
year = {1996},
volume = {76},
number = {S1},
pages = {587--588}
Windeln, P. |
Steif-Stabile k-Schritt-Kollokationsformeln bis zur Ordnung 12 und ihre effiziente Implementation von variabler Ordnung auf variablem Gitter zur Lösung steifer Anfangswertprobleme [BibTeX] |
1987 |
School: Universität Bonn |
mastersthesis |
author = {P. Windeln},
title = {Steif-Stabile k-{S}chritt-{K}ollokationsformeln bis zur {O}rdnung 12 und ihre effiziente {I}mplementation von variabler {O}rdnung auf variablem {G}itter zur {L}\"osung steifer {A}nfangswertprobleme},
school = {Universit\"at Bonn},
year = {1987}
Winkler, R., Brandt-Pollmann, U., Moslener, U. & Schlöder, J. |
Time-Lags in capital accumulation [BibTeX] |
2003 |
Operations Research Proceedings |
inproceedings |
author = {Winkler, R. and Brandt-Pollmann, U. and Moslener, U. and Schl\"oder, J.P.},
title = {Time-Lags in capital accumulation},
booktitle = {Operations Research Proceedings},
year = {2003},
editor = {D. Ahr and R. Fahrion and M. Oswald and G. Reinelt},
pages = {451--458}
Wirsching, L. |
An SQP Algorithm with Inexact Derivatives for a Direct Multiple Shooting Method for Optimal Control Problems [BibTeX] |
2006 |
School: Universität Heidelberg |
mastersthesis |
author = {L. Wirsching},
title = {An {SQP} Algorithm with Inexact Derivatives for a Direct Multiple Shooting Method for Optimal Control Problems},
school = {Universit\"at Heidelberg},
year = {2006}
Wirsching, L., Albersmeyer, J., Kühl, P., Diehl, M. & Bock, H. |
An Adjoint-based Numerical Method for Fast Nonlinear Model Predictive Control [BibTeX] |
2008 |
Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, July 6--11, 2008 |
inproceedings |
DOI link |
author = {L. Wirsching and J. Albersmeyer and P. K\"uhl and M. Diehl and H.G. Bock},
title = {An Adjoint-based Numerical Method for Fast Nonlinear Model Predictive Control},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, July 6--11, 2008},
publisher = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
year = {2008},
editor = {Chung, M.J. and Misra, P.},
volume = {17},
number = {1},
pages = {1934--1939},
url = {},
doi = {}
Wirsching, L., Bock, H. & Diehl, M. |
Fast NMPC of a chain of masses connected by springs [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA) |
inproceedings |
author = {Wirsching, L. and Bock, H.G. and Diehl, M.},
title = {Fast {NMPC} of a chain of masses connected by springs},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA)},
year = {2006},
pages = {591--596},
doi = {}
Wirsching, L., Ferreau, H., Bock, H. & Diehl, M. |
An Online Active Set Strategy for Fast Adjoint Based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control [BibTeX] |
2007 |
Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS), Pretoria |
inproceedings |
author = {Wirsching, L. and Ferreau, H.J. and Bock, H.G. and Diehl,M.},
title = {An Online Active Set Strategy for Fast Adjoint Based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS), Pretoria},
year = {2007}
Zhao, J., Diehl, M., Longman, R., Bock, H. & Schlöder, J. |
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Robots Using Real-Time Optimization [BibTeX] |
2004 |
Proceedings of the AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Conference |
inproceedings |
author = {J. Zhao and M. Diehl and R. Longman and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Robots Using Real-Time Optimization},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Conference},
year = {2004},
address = {Providence, RI}
Ziesse, M., Bock, H., Gallitzendörfer, J. & Schlöder, J. |
Parameter estimation in Multispecies transport reaction systems using parallel algorithms [BibTeX] |
1996 |
Parameter Identification and Inverse Problems in Hydrology, Geology and Ecology |
inproceedings |
author = {M. Ziesse and H.G. Bock and J.V. Gallitzend\"orfer and J.P. Schl\"oder},
title = {Parameter estimation in Multispecies transport reaction systems using parallel algorithms},
booktitle = {Parameter Identification and Inverse Problems in Hydrology, Geology and Ecology},
publisher = {Kluwer},
year = {1996},
editor = {J. Gottlieb and P. DuChateaux}
Model Based Parameter Estimation: Theory and Applications [BibTeX] |
2013 |
Publisher: Springer |
book |
title = {Model Based Parameter Estimation: Theory and Applications},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2013},
editor = {H.G. Bock and T. Carraro and W. J{\"a}äger and S. K{\"o}rkel and R. Rannacher and J.P. Schl{\"o}der},
volume = {4},
series = {Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences}
Bock, H. G., Kanschat, G., Rannacher, R., Brezzi, F., Glowinski, R., Kuznetsov, Y. & Periaux, J. |
Enumath 97: 2nd European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications [BibTeX] |
1998 |
Publisher: World Scientific, Singapore |
proceedings |
title = {Enumath 97: 2nd European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications},
publisher = {World Scientific, Singapore},
year = {1998},
editor = {Bock, Hans Georg and Kanschat, G. and Rannacher, R. and Brezzi, F. and Glowinski, R. and Kuznetsov, Y.A. and Periaux, J.},
series = {European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications}
Bock, H. G., Kostina, E., Phu, H. & Rannacher, R. |
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes [BibTeX] |
2007 |
Publisher: Springer |
proceedings |
title = {Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2007},
editor = {Bock, Hans Georg and Kostina, E. and Phu, H.X. and Rannacher, R},
series = {Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing}
Bock, H. G., Kostina, E., Phu, H. & Rannacher, R. |
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes [BibTeX] |
2005 |
Publisher: Springer |
proceedings |
title = {Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2005},
editor = {Bock, Hans Georg and Kostina, E. and Phu, H.X. and Rannacher, R.},
series = {Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing}
Bock, H. G., Kostina, E., Phu, H. X. & Rannacher, R. |
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes. [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Publisher: Springer |
proceedings |
title = {Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes.},
publisher = {{S}pringer},
year = {2006},
editor = {Bock, Hans Georg and Kostina, E. and Phu, H. X. and Rannacher, R.},
series = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing},
address = {Hanoi, Vietnam}
Diehl, M. & Mombaur, K. |
Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics [BibTeX] |
2006 |
Publisher: Springer |
proceedings |
title = {Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2006},
editor = {Diehl, M. and Mombaur, K.D.},
note = {ISBN-13: 9783540361183}
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